Moring baby

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It was 9 o'clock in the morning Jane woke up she sat up and looked around "our own place, we have our own place!? "Jane got up and walked into the living room and just walked around. "I feel amazing, like me and Jack will stay together forever and that makes me the most happiest person in the whole entire world." Jack then got up and noticed Jane was not in bed, he went into the living room and saw Jane standing, looking around, Jack slowly walked up behind her and hugged her tight "still shocked? " he said smiling and rocking him and her back and forth. She jumped a little and then blushed and nodded her head, " yes. I'm so happy though." Jane said holding Jacks hand. " so do you want to have anyone over today? if not I was wondering if it can just be me and you like a at home date? "Jane asked a little worried for his response as if he didn't want to stay home. " nah, let's stay home cuddle on the couch, take a nap, make out and watch one of your old movies you have on the stand, that's better than going out or having anyone over." Jack said smiling and rubbing janes back. Jane, excited, jumped a little and turned around and grabbed Jack's hands "yay finally our first at home date in our own home! " Jack and Jane walked to couch as Jane, in jacks black shirt, got up and turned on the old tv. She grabbed the remote and sat back on the couch. Jack took his hand and stroked janes cheek ever so softly. Jack leaned in and kisses Jane and slid his hand from janes shoulder to her middle lower back. "Mm." Jane sighed as Jack bit at janes neck and gave her love bites. "So no one can hear us now huh?" Jane said smiling and biting at the top of her nail. "Let's go to your room baby." Jack said carrying Jane back to their room.

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