Thank you!!!

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Jack sprung up out of bed. "Fuck." He looked at Jane who was still sleeping. He fixed his hair then laid back down, facing Jane. Jane opened her eyes. "Morning love." She said yawning. Jack scooted close to Jane and rubbed her back. "Good morning beautiful." He said back to Jane. "I felt you jump up, you okay?" Jane asked as she looked at Jack a little concerned. "I'm fine babe, I just got startled by a stupid dream." Jack said hugging Jane a little tighter. Jane wrapped around Jack and kissed his cheek. "Just hug me tight and go back too sleep my love." Jane said. Jack kissed Jane softly. They fell back asleep a little while after.
Jane laid in bed awake waiting for Jack to get up. He finally did. Jane crawled on top of Jack and kissed him softly. "Good afternoon, baby." Jane said biting at jacks neck and sitting back up and rubbing his sides. "Well how long have you been up?" Jack said massaging janes waist. "About 5 minutes before you woke." Jane said biting her lip. Jack took Jane and sat her on the bed, he got up and then picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bathroom. "What are we doing?" Jane asked Jack with her innocent high voice. Jack picked Jane up and sat her on the counter. "Nothing too, bad." He said as he grinned. Janes face turned a little red behind the pale white of her cheeks. "Someone blushing?" As Jack took off his shirt and jeans and put on a pare of baggy sweat pants. "So why am I on a counter?" Jane said looking at Jack and everywhere else on him while trying to change the subject. "This is why." Jack said smiling. Jack handed Jane a bag. A small bag. "What's this love?" Jane asked with a big smile. "Open it."
Jack told Jane. Jane opened the small paper bag and her jaw dropped, a tear rolled down her cheek as she looked up at jack. "My-my old house key..."  "That's not it, you have everything of yours still in the house, and yes, I found your house." Jack wiped away the tear and kissed Jane and smiled at her. "May we-" Jane was cut off by Jack. "Live there? Yes. Get your stuff, we will be  there by tomorrow baby." Jack smiled at jane, he knew she missed the house because that was her first house her father had bought her, till everything went wrong between her and Jeff. Jane hugged Jack, Jack carried Jane back onto the bed, and Jane quickly packed most of her stuff. "Thank you baby thank you thank you thank you!!!" She jumped at Jack, Jack smiled and Laughed as he hugged her back tight.

It all started with the note.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum