Emily? Ha. Think again.

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Drake was looking at Emily straight in her face as she slowly moved up to stand straight. "What the hell is wrong with you Emily!" Cory shouted. Emily then whipped out a knife from behind her an quickly got behind Cory putting it too his throat. "Now now, just shh." She placed a finger over cory's mouth while pushing the knife up to his throat a little. "Let him go Emily! Now! I'm calling the cops!" "It's Jane too you. Got it?" She grinned at Drake as she replied. "What the hell your name is Emily you idiot!" "I'm Jane. Drake I look nothing like you, you're not even my brother. I live in a home with my real killer friends. But they don't like stupid, pathetic, pointless beings like you." "Emily you have got to drop this act, you have killed no one, you don't have killer friends and you live with me and mom!" Drake shouted a little bit frightened to find out Janes reaction. "Oh yeah? I have killed plenty. And ill add one more to my list." Jane took the knife slicing Cory's throat and throwing his lifeless body of the edge. She watched his body slam on to the floor. "Care to be on the list....brother?" She said as she laughed. Drake ran in the hall way and into the complete dark. " you're not so smart." Jane whispered. Drake opened the door In front of him only to bump into 2 boys, one had a blue mask with no eyes an a black hoodie he could barely see and a white hoodie that showed that the boy had black hair. They were way taller than Drake. "Not so fast." Jack yelled at him grabbing his arm an throwing him at Jeff who then put a knife to Drakes throat. "Are you sleepy?" Jeff whispered in Drakes ear. Jane turned on the hallway light and walked up to Drake slowly. "Again, I'm Jane an these two are jack and Jeff. Us Three will be the last people you will see alive." "Is there any others left!?" Jack said. "Justin..." Jane said as she ran down stairs an saw Justin sitting at the door. "Justin, can you please come upstairs I'm not using the board, but I found something."  "Sure I guess.." He replied getting up an walking behind Jane up the stairs. "Welcome to your last day on earth." Jane said as she turned around an grabbed Justin and threw him on the ground in front of jack, Jeff, and Drake. "Dude. I thought we were friends!?" He said as he stared at Jane. "Friends? You don't even know me." She said as she laughed. "I'm ready when you are." Jack said, letting Jane know he is ready to kill and leave. "Go ahead. Anytime." Jane replied "go. To. Sleep." Jeff said cutting deep in to Drakes throat. "Your turn." Jack said to Justin as he pounced on him cutting into his sides ripping both of his kidneys out and leaving him to bleed to death. "Bye Justin. Nice knowing ya." Jack an Jeff ran straight out the door, Jane followed. "Let's go home now okay!? And talk to slendy...he will be happy." Said Jeff. They ran back into the woods.

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