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*5 hours pass*Camille, Jack, and Jane sat there brushes down on the lid of the paint can and walked to there rooms to take a break. Jack took off his shirt and grabbed a book off of the bookshelf and laid down in bed. Jane walked in. "I'm going to shower, im all dirty from painting. Okay?" Jane said laughing and smiling. "Okay love" Jack said smiling back at her. Jane started the shower. Jack kept reading his book, until he heard a knock at the door. "Camille?" Jack asked. "Yeah! Jarrett is threatening to tell the police if she gets out and it's annoying! Can we just kill her!!?" Camille yelled from the hallway. "After Jane gets out of the shower." Jack replied. "I'm back love." Jane walked out in a towel smiling. "Could you hand me that t shirt by you?" Jane asked. "Sure." Jack grabbed the shirt and threw it to her." "Thanks I'll be one minute." Jane said taking the shirt and walking into the bathroom. "Done!" Jane walked out in jacks shirt and a pair of ankle socks. "We have to kill Jarrett." Jack said. "I have to take another shower then." Jane replied. " I would too cause I want kidneys" Jack said laughing. "Well let me grab my knife and I can go out there and just get it done with. Can you take her body in the basement for me?" Jane said. "Yeah, yeah, no problem." Jack said getting up and walking to the room Jarrett was in. "NO! NO NO STOP PLEASE NO!" Jarrett started to scream. "Jack opened the cage and threw Jarrett on the ground. "Look, threaten to tell the cops, guess you won't be able to, Jane give me your knife, I don't want you to have to shower again." Jack yelled to Jane. Jane walked in and handed him her knife. Jack took her knife and stabbed jarretts side. He then ripped into her back and grabbed her kidneys. "Hah, who is to tell the cops now?" Jack took janes knife and cut jarretts throat. He dragged her body to the basement and walked back in the room. "Ima shower, I'll be back babe." He said to Jane who was laying in bed. "Okay" Jane smiled *30 minutes later* Jack walked out in a pair of shorts. He laid next to Jane and Jane wrapped around him. They fell asleep.

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