I am sorry. It took the pain away though,jack.

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Once all three of them made it to the mansion in the middle of the woods they all just went to there rooms like nothing happened. Jane ran into her room. She slammed her door and locked it behind her. She slowly walked over into her closet and shut the door as she slid down against the wall to sit on the floor. She sat there, thinking, of what she has been through, about people she loved who had to die. Or who left her and acted like a fake through her life. Tears ran down her face. "Jane, you don't cry. Stop it stop crying god damn it." She mumbled to herself. Depression then kicked her pretty hard in the gut. *TRIGGER WARNING* 
She looked to her left were her murder weapon was. "No, don't even fucking dare." She said to herself. Her eyes went from a complete black to a bloody red. Her skin went from pale to a more of a brighter white. She felt like there was something on her cheek so she went to wipe her face to find blood coming from her scar. "Shit." She went to the bathroom to clean up her eyes and her cheek. "Jane. Open the door." Jack said with a concerned voice. "Go away." Jane yelled back at the door. There was loud thumps at the door till the door fell down. Jack had slammed the door down and ran to Jane. " I'm not going away, now tell me why you were crying." "No reason. I'm fine" she said as she walked back to her closet. Jack pulled her back and hugged her. "What is it." "Am I ever enough? Like I mean I just feel I have been through so much shit." I'm sorry Jane. I really hope you feel better." Jane hugged him back. "I don't want you to see me get mad and flip out." She said. "Don't do anything stupid, and don't punch the side wall if that's what you were going to do, punch the back one." Jack said as he left. Jane walked into her closet and began to numb the pain. (2 hours later) she walked out in a long sleeve grey sweater shirt and black jeans. Her eyes went back to her black color. She walked outside and sat on the porch to smoke a cigarette. Jack sat down next to her. "Hey." He said to her. "What." She said with a angry tone. "What did I do?" Jack said with a rude attitude. "Do you even really love me jack!?" Jane said getting up. When she got up fast her sleeve rubbed on her arm which made her hold her arm. "Why did you just grab your arm...?" Jack said worried. Jane ran as fast as she could, she only made it half way into the woods because jack grabbed her. "What did you do!?!?!" Jane tried to pull her arm away from jacks grip but he rubbed her scars and she started to cry because it hurt. "Stop that hurts!!" He let go. He then hugged her tight. " I said...don't do anything....stupid." His voice cracked a bit. " I know but. I felt like I hurt you. And then I felt like I didn't need this bullshit. I'm sorry." "Don't do it again. Understand!?" He said with a strict voice staring straight in her eyes. "Yes." She replied.  Jack walked her back to the mansion. "We're the fuck you guys go?" Ben asked. "No were go back inside." Ben went back inside. Jane and jack walked into janes room. They went straight to sleep. Jane mumbled to herself as she tried to sleep. "I'm sorry."

It all started with the note.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz