Your walk ends here.

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Emily decided when they walked half way down the hall to set the ouija board down an start to mess around with it. "Come over here guys lets start all over." Lisa slowly walked over. "I'm not putting my hand on that fucking death trap of yours." "Fine, go roam around by the back door over here if you would like." Emily said as she tried not to smile and laugh. "Okay.." Lisa walked off into the dark by herself. "Stupid, pathetic little brat." Emily mumbled to herself.  
"So all hands on here lets go." Katrina said as the rest put there hands on planchette. "Is anyone here. Please come forward." Emily said as she roughly concentrated on the board. "Yes..." A slow quiet voice spoke from behind Justin and drake. Justin quickly removed his hands from the Board an ran down stairs to the door, for only it to close. "AHHH HELP!" Lisa screamed as the sound of a door slammed. "Emily! Go do something!!!" Adrianna said . "And risk my life? Oh hell no, let's just move on come on!" Adrianna didn't listen to Emily an ran towards the door that Lisa was taken through. " TAKE HER TOO!" Emily shouted to were Adrianna  was.  A loud scream was yet again heard but this time from Adrianna. "What the did....what?" Drake said worried. "Let's finish the little game we have already started. Shall we?" Emily's eyes went to a complete black an her skin became a base pale white. "Come on. Have some-" Emily got close to her brothers face an whispered gruesomely as she looked into his eyes.  "Fun!"

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