Camila pulled the covers up and got under it to lay next to Lauren. She grabbed the girls waist and pulled her closer. To her surprise, the older girl didn't fight it.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. Lauren let her head rest on Camila's chest as she started to cry.

"I'm really sorry for what I've said. I said it out of anger and maybe because I purposely wanted to hurt you but only because... " she stopped not knowing if it was a good idea to continue.

"Please tell me.." Lauren whispered against her chest. "Because I'm a little jealous of Liam." Camila admitted quietly as she held Lauren in her arms.

"Why? You have Jade now. So why does it bother you that I have someone new.." Lauren really didn't understand. She thought the girl was over her.

"Because I can't imagine someone else being like this with you or telling you all the words I want to tell you or kissing you and tasting your cooking skills, or picking you up from work. Or do all the things I want to do with you.." Both of them got quiet after this.

"You love Jade now."

"I love you." Camila whispered and suddenly Lauren turned around in her arms and kissed her.

Camila was surprised to say the least as she kissed the older girl back. She wanted to pour every emotion into the kiss. Show her how much she loved her. Because words weren't enough.

Lauren sat up so now she was sitting on Camila's lap. Her hands tangled in Camila's hair. The other girl had her hands placed firmly on Lauren's ass.

Their kisses became hungrier and heated. All too soon Lauren felt something poke her warm and hot center. She knew exactly what it was and it drove her crazy. She started to grind a little on Camila.

Camila pulled down Lauren's sweatpants and was beginning to get her underwear down too when suddenly the bell rang. Pulling them out of their dream world.

They both locked eyes for a second, panting heavily while their eyes had a shade of darkness. Lauren got off of Camila's lap and started to make her clothes look good again as Camila got off the bed and regained herself.

She went to open the door. "Hey are you alright? Because Camila was pretty pissed off when she came here and I wanted to give you two some privacy but when it started to get too long I was afraid maybe someone was hurt.." He rubbed the back of his neck. He was really shy.

Lauren smiled at him. He was really caring and sweet. "No, me and Camz talked it all out and she apologized.. It's all good now."

Camila then also came standing next to Lauren. She had her jacket wrapped around her waist. "Yeah but I'm leaving now so you guys can have your time alone." She was trying so hard to hide the bulge in her pants and Lauren knew this so she was trying her best not to laugh.

"It's pretty cold outside for you to wear your jacket like this.." Liam wanted to warn Camila. Lauren looked at Camila with a smirk on her face. "Yeah, Camz you should wear it normally." She teased and Camila smiled at her. But it was more a 'I want to kill you' kind of smile.

"Well I have it extremely warm. Some people here should know why.. But ehm have a nice day, bye!" She said as she quickly walked past Liam out of the house.

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