Chapter 10

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Camila had a confused and hurt expression on her face.

"My mom and your dad are on their way. You can't be here." Lauren said shaky.

"But if they already know I'm here then why should I go? Maybe it's time for us to tell them that.. we want to be together. And we are done playing games."

Camila stood her ground. She wanted to show the older one how serious she was about them.

Lauren shook her head. "No. This is not some kind of fairytale that they magically will let us be together. Your father hates me.. and my mom would also never approve of this relationship it's not healthy.."

Camila's eyes grew wide. She shook her head and scoffed. "So that's how you do it. When things get tough, you suddenly forget every single thing you told me. You forget why the fuck I came here today! You forget everything you just told me on the fucking phone when I came over here! You forget the past half year and everything we went through together! You forget my first time was with you! You forget that you told me you loved me! Because now suddenly I need to leave and our relationship is unhealthy?! We aren't related!!"

She was beyond furious right now. This woman drove her crazy to the max, that was nothing new but now.. this was everything.

"Camz.. I meant everything I said and maybe I shouldn't have said unhealthy but I am so scared. I am doing things wrong. Your father will.. he will.. you know how he is to you when he gets angry when you.." Lauren didn't finish. Camila knew exactly what her girlfriend meant. She knew she would get hell from her father..

She looked sadly to the ground. She was defeated. Lauren walked over to the girl and embraced her in a warm hug. Camila was startled by her actions but quickly reciprocated.

"I love you. I'm ready to tell them." Lauren suddenly appeared more confident. Camila raised an eyebrow at her. "What about Clara's anger?" She questioned. "I couldn't care less.." She replied simply.


"The two of you love eachother and you guys are together for a half year now?!"

Alejandro couldn't believe what he heard. "You guys have been doing this behind our backs?! This is not healthy! I didn't even know my daughter was gay and then with her?! Anyone but her! You are gay?! I can't deal with you right now! Karla you are a shame to our family! A shame to everything I love. My daughter has lied and done things behind my back with this woman over here. Who doesn't care about you one bit. She is thirty years old, what do you think?! That she loves a stupid teenager?!"

All Camila could do was stare at the man with disgust in her eyes. Lauren was looking at her hands. How badly did she want to defend herself and tell him that he had no idea how much she loved his daughter. Would it help? No. Would it make him change his mind? No. So instead she just looked down and tried not to cry.

"Alejandro, don't speak of my daughter like that." Clara warned him. "I know you and her have never really been close but you don't need to downgrade her. I also don't like the fact that she thinks a teenage girl likes her when she should be smarter than that. Lauren honey, why would you believe for one second that this little kid knows what 'loving someone' means? She is using you to get away from her mother."

Alejandro looked at her anger all over his face. "Don't speak of my daughter like this? This is all Lauren's fault! She shouldn't have seduced my girl into this! This is illegal!"

"Lauren's fault?! Excuse me but Lauren pushed her away multiple times but she came back like a puppy begging for attention." Clara defended

"Can you guys please stop with blaming one of us? Me and Lauren are in love and you have to accept that." Camila spat at them. Lauren nodded in agreement.

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