"Okay." He smiled and together we went downstairs to start playing.


   Although I'm not the 17-year-old teenage girl I was when I firstly came to London, I still feel like her whenever I spend time with Zayn. We both suddenly become immature and do stupid things. Emily always said how much she envied what's between Zayn and me. She said it was special and 'one-of-a-kind'.. whatever she meant with that.

   Now, after Zayn had to leave me in a hurry again, I fell back into my thoughtful mood. For a while I hoped I hadn't delayed him too much and that he would make it to Sweden on time. If he arrived late and they found out he was here in London with me, my mentions would blow up. That reminded me of Twitter so I stood up and went to grab my phone. It has been a long long time since I last signed in, too afraid about the hate to get me and hurt me. Zayn was on tour which meant I would have to deal with the hate alone, and without Zayn I wasn't strong enough to do that. I needed him by my side to get over what people said, and the same goes for Zayn. We comfort each other and can ignore the useless comments of stupid people.

   For quite a lot of time I kept scrolling through some tweets and checked out the update accounts who I've been following. I even followed some fans back and retweet tweets of those who stood behind Zayn and me. Finally I tweeted:

@JenanTareq You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.

   Of course this was a famous quote and I felt it fit perfectly. Zayn was rich and he could give me anything I'd ask for. But I don't love him for that and I never even cared about his wealth or his clothes or his car, despite what the people say. And of course I knew he was handsome and beautiful but I guess I would've loved him the same as now if he had only one eye. He was the love of my life, my other half, and that was all what mattered.

   And I was going to prove my love for him. I won't distract him from his work. I won't let him get back on tour late. I'll wait patiently for him to come back. He was worth it.


  I sat there, staring out of the window, admiring the beautiful London- skyline, drinking a cup of tea, when I heard the slight ringing of my mobile phone downstairs. I sighed and got up to run to my phone. Clumsy-me tripped over the last stair step and I almost fell onto my nose.

   "Ugh." I mumbled and finally reached the ringing phone. My heart jumped when I saw Zayn's name on the display.

   "Who is it?" I heard Emily's footsteps coming down the stairs. She had a sleepover at my house and we had spent the whole night talking so she was kind of tired and sleepy.

   "It's Zayn." I muttered, my eyes fixed on the four letters on the display.

   "And why the hell don't you pick up?" she reached the cocktail table and raised one of her eyebrows.

   Quickly, I answered. "Zayn?" my voice came out in whispers. I cleared my throat and said "Hello?"

   "Jenna." He said in a low voice. My heart melted and I remembered the last time he visited me, the day he had to go to Sweden. 4 weeks passed since that and I haven't seen him, apart of his hologram on Skype. And the last phone call had been 5 days ago, he only communicated with me via text. They were rehearsing for a performance on the Teen Choice Awards tomorrow and were very busy. "How are you?"

   "Oh, I'm fine." I replied. "But how are you?" he sounded tired and stressed out, and that worried me.

  I heard him sighing slightly at the other end of the line. "I'm alright. Only the performance tomorrow, two weeks touring in America and then I'll stop by London to see you before we complete in Australia."

Took Me By Surprise  [Zayn Malik] ✓Where stories live. Discover now