Chapter 19: Be Alright

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   My heart was beating faster than usual as I climbed up the stairs to our flat. I was just about to get the key out of my pockets when I realised that I had left them in America. I pursued my lips and stared at the door. Should I ring? Or knock? Will she open the door for me?
   My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps approaching. I had the faint idea that they were Jenan's footsteps so I quickly moved away and took a few steps on the stairs which led to the next floor. Why did I hide away like a coward? I was Harry Styles, dammit!
  "Across the ocean, across the sea, starting to forget the way you look at me now, over the mountains, across the sky, need to see your face and need to look in your eyes.." her voice reached me and I recognised Justin Bieber's song. I was stuck between shock, surprise, hysteria and the need to laugh.
   "Wow, I didn't know you could sing." I said, with a smile on my face, coming down the stairs again. She stopped singing and was plastered at her place. Seconds passed, I just could stare at her back and I started to get worried. "Jenan. Please look at me." I almost begged her.
   Slowly, she turned around and looked at me as if I were a ghost. Maybe it was a bad idea to jump into the next plane to London and leave the boys and the work behind.. but no, I definitely had to sort things out with Jenan.
   I don't know how long we kept staring at each other but finally Jenan moved, turned around, unlocked the door with her key, got into the flat and left the door opened for me. As I entered, she had already reached the kitchen and put a brown paper bag beside the sink. So apparently she had been at Mr. Phillips'.
   Mr. Phillips was one of the people who knew that Jenan didn't know about our fame, and we were glad when he agreed on not to let her know, although he thought it would be better if we did. How mad will she get if she finds out?
   I closed the door behind me and leaned against the wall beside it. Jenan just stepped out of the bathroom where she had washed her hands and entered the kitchen to take out three plates. Three?
   She put them onto the table and carried on preparing breakfast while I thought about the upcoming conversation between me and her. How could I give her an appropriate apology? Will she forgive me? What will I do if she won't?
   Maybe I should start with helping her..
   She was standing with her back to me, holding a knife and cutting a tomato into slices. "I can do this." I whispered because I just couldn't afford to talk loudly. I had a long flight behind me where I hardly got any sleep.
   Jenan shrieked quietly, looked up at me and swallowed. "No, it's okay."
   But I didn't listen and tightly took the knife out of her hand. She stepped back and I turned to the tomato to continue cutting it into pieces. Behind my back, her footsteps became quieter and then I heard her going up the stairs. I finished cutting the tomato and ordered the slices onto a small plate. Then I took my phone out of my pocket and turned it on.
   I had 10 missed calls from the boys, and 15 from Simon alone. I knew he would kill me.
   A short look at the clock told me that the boys must be with Lou now, getting ready for the radio interview. I dialled Louis' number to let him know where I was and ask him about how they would explain my absence.
   "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Louis yelled at me the second he picked up.
   "I'm at home." I replied quietly.
   "WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" he continued screaming and I heard the boys talking softly in the background. "WE HAVE FREAKING APPOINTMENTS, YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE! AND WHERE IS THE PROBLEM IN CALLING US TO LET US KNOW, HUH?"
   I sighed deeply, knowing that I made a mistake. Again. "I'm sorry, Lou. I just had to go back to London to sort things out with Jenan. I felt that if I don't do it now, she won't forgive me."
   The other end of the line was almost silent, I only heard Louis breathing. "I was worried about you." He finally said in a normal tone.
   "I know, I'm sorry." I said. "Do you think Simon will kick me out of the band?"
   Louis snorted. "He should." I smiled a tiny smile, knowing that Louis was trying to punish me.
    "How will you explain my absence?" I asked and took the bread Jenan bought out of the paper bag.
   "We'll discuss that." Louis replied.
   "Well.. I might be back as soon as things calm down here, okay?"
   "As you wish, Styles."
   "I'm sorry again." I muttered as I put the bread in a basket and carried it onto the table.
   "Ya, ya." Louis said and I could literally see him rolling his eyes. "Honestly, if I were you, I would have done the same."
   And click, the call ended.
   "Wow, how brave of you to show up here."
   I turned around, just to watch Eleanor coming down the stairs, looking at me sternly. So the third plate was for her..
   "Hey, El." I said, smiling a crooked smile.
   She slowly approached me. "Take care that I won't wipe your silly smile away, Styles." She threated with a stony-face.
   I just sighed and didn't bother to reply. I knew anything I'd say would either be understood wrong or end up in an argument.
   So I just continued preparing breakfast whilst Eleanor was sitting in front of her plate, eying me suspiciously. After I had finished, I sat down opposite to her and asked: "Where's Jenan?"
   El shrugged. "Upstairs. But I doubt that she'll enjoy your company."
   "Is she that mad at me?" I asked.
    Eleanor's eyes became wide and her mouth dropped open. "Hey, what are you expecting?! You yell at her for some stupid reason, tell her you hate her and now you expect it not to be a big deal??"
   I shook my head. "No, if I thought it wasn't a big deal I wouldn't be here, right? I'm just asking because.. well I  had expected her first reaction on seeing me was that she'd claw out my eyes."
   "She should be!" Eleanor exclaimed. "But lucky for you, she's too light-hearted for that. Although you don't deserve it, she'll forgive you."  And the prospect of this made my heart jump in happiness.

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