Chapter 22- Words Can't Explain

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Austin's P.O.V.

Two seconds. That's all it took for me to find myself punching Cameron's face in. The only thought that kept running through my head was, how could he do that? Jenna could've died from that accident. I could've too, but I wasn't worried about if I had. Just about if she had.

I continued punching, not realizing how far I had gone.

"Austin!" I heard Jenna yelled at me.

I looked at Cameron who was now unconscious then at her. I could see fear in her eyes. Instantly it clicked. She was frightened by how I lashed out. Tears start pouring from her eyes as she ran off.

*A week later*

Jenna's P.O.V.

Cameron ended up in jail. Exactly where he belonged. Amy and Bryan had taken the video into the police. Thankfully they had stopped the video before it captured Austin beating the crap out of Cameron.

Something shocked me that day. I hadn't realized how protective he was of me and I wasn't sure why I was scared by that, but I was. There was just something in his eyes, something that reminded me of the dream. It was the look he had somewhat given me at Alex's funeral. Tears started to form in my eyes as I thought about that dream, and it wasn't until now that I realized I needed to stop running from it. I needed Austin.

Grabbing my cell phone, I texted Alex to see if Austin might still be at his parent's house. Within a few seconds he had replied saying that they were back in Miami because he had some concerts. That made me happy.

Luckily, no one other than us few had seen what happened, so I took the fall for punching Cameron. I knew that if they found out it was Austin, that could end his career. I wasn't willing to let him lose the one thing he loved. So I made everyone promise that they wouldn't say what really happened, and just let me take the blame. I had gotten off due to the nature of what Cameron had put me through. They played it off as a moment of post traumatic stress.

Getting off my bed, I got up and got dressed. There was something I needed to finally do.

My mom had been at work, so I told my sister that I was heading to Miami to see Austin. She was slightly confused seeing as she thought Alex and I were still an item, so I had to fill her in on everything. It took me exactly four hours and thirty-six minutes to reach Austin's.

I parked my car in the driveway and sat for a few seconds. I wasn't sure how I was going to do this. To tell him that I still love him as much as I did in the dream. So I decided to just wing it. Well that was until I remembered something. The night of prom, he had been down on his knee with something in his hand. Making it my goal to find out, I headed inside.

Just to clarify, I didn't just randomly walk in. That would be creepy. I did inform Alex I was coming over, and he said he'd let Michele know since he was out on a date with Courtney. Whom, by the way, seemed to be a really nice person.

The day at the police station, when the video was taken in and we had to give statements, she had been there to comfort Alex. I couldn't help but think that it was sweet of her. However, it definitely made me realize that I shouldn't feel bad for having fell for Austin. Courtney and Alex were meant to be together. He seemed happier than he ever had been with me, and that was the only thing I could hope for him.

Making my way through the living room then the kitchen, I passed Alex's room, then my room from the dream, then went straight into Austin's room. Slowly I opened the door, and was happy that it didn't make a sound.

Glancing, I saw Austin sitting on his phone. He seemed upset and I started to wonder if I was the reason for it. I studied him for a few seconds more until he began to smile at his phone.

"What ya looking at?" I asked.

Immediately he looked up and saw me, slamming his phone down on the bed so I couldn't see it.

"Nothing," he responded rapidly.

Walking towards him, I reached for his phone. He tried to grip tightly onto it, but I managed to rip it out of his hands. That's when I noticed he was on instagram. My instagram profile to be exact.

"So you're stalking me?" I joked.

"Maybe," he blushed.

I handed him his phone back, and he placed it on his bedside table. Then looking up at me, his expression began to sadden. That's when I noticed the box he had placed on his table next to his phone.

"So considering I was drugged and probably delusional. I never did get to see what was in your hand that night," I smiled.

His eyes darted to the box as he quickly grabbed it and looked at me. I could see in his eyes that whatever was in that box scared him. Walking towards the bed, I jumped on top of him. Laying over him, I did .

"Hand over the box Mahone," I laughed.

"Never," he smiled.

"Austin Carter Mahone! If you don't let me see what's in that box then I'll just have to take it from you," I said.

His eyes widened as I let go off one of his wrist and tried to pull it out of his hands. His grip was extremely tight, but after a few seconds, I managed to get it from him. Leaning back, I sat on him, while he still laid back.

Opening it, I noticed a gorgeous ring. My mouth dropped as I studied it, and then looked back at him. He seemed nervous.

"Jenna..." he tried to speak.

"Is this what I think it is Austin?" I asked in shock.

Austin's P.O.V.

I studied her face as she glanced back at the ring. I couldn't tell if she was happy about it, which made everything about this more nerve wrecking.

"You were going to propose?" she asked.

Glancing up at me, our eyes connected and I could see the tears already starting to form. Quickly, I nodded my head.

"Austin.." she said softly.

Jumping the gun, I hurriedly said, "I know. It was a stupid idea. I'm sorry." I watched as she looked at me, a huge smile on her face, and her cheeks bright red. Leaning down, she placed her lips on mine. A moment later, we pulled our lips apart.

"Wait? So you're not mad or anything about it?" I asked nervously.

"No. I love it," she said.

I saw a twinkle in her eye, and my heart melted. For once, I did something right.

"So will you?" I asked hesitantly.

She looked at me, with her beautiful dark blue eyes and frowned. A 'v' forming on her forehead. One of the spots that I loved kissing on her.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Not until you do it for real," she smiled.

LIfting her off of me, I got up and grabbed the ring. Lifting her up again I positioned her at the end of the bed, as I got down on one knee, looking straight into her eyes.

"Jenna. You're the girl of my dreams. Literally," I chuckled, "You're my Cinderella. The girl that no matter what happens, I can guarantee I will always love. I have never felt this way about a girl before. You give me hope. You make me so happy. You're beautiful. You're downright amazing. Whenever I'm around you, it's like I'm floating on air. I'm happy. Relaxed. I feel invincible. I know for certain that when I wake up I want it to be you next to me. Everyday. For the rest of my life. You're the only one for me. So Jenna Eileen Killian. Will you marry me?"

Tears dripped out of her eyes as she smiled at me.

"Yes," she said.

Shakingly, I took the ring out of the box and placed it on her finger. Then before I knew it our mouths were on each others. Moving in synchronization. Gently, I nudged forward a little, signaling for her to lay back. Our mouths remained on each other's for what seemed like a lifetime.

This was literally the happiest day of my life.

You're The Only One For Me (Sequel to Finding Alex)Where stories live. Discover now