Chapter 2- Need to Hear His Voice :(

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    Later that night, after I had gotten home from the hospital with Alex. I had finally gotten some alone time. My mother was downstairs cooking, so I knew she wouldn't bother me. Grabbing my laptop, I opened it and pulled up Youtube.

Videos of Austin singing and having a fun time were continuously taking over my Youtube page.. I needed to hear Austin's voice. Closing out of my browser, I shut my laptop and headed to my bathroom to change into my . Comfy and soft.

Making my way back onto my bed, I grabbed my headphones and cell phone. Blaring Austin's songs as I laid down. Tears rolling down the side of my face as I thought of him. He needed to wake up. Well, I wanted him to, and so did millions of other people.

Waking up the next morning, I made my way to my bathroom to shower and put on my . Then hurriedly my hair. Alex wanted to take me out for lunch. Surprisingly I wanted to go. It beat sitting at home moping about Austin. Something I've done a lot of. Grabbing my and , I made my way downstairs.

"Where are you going?" I heard a voice ask.

I turned around to see my mother holding a dish rag in her hand. I'm assuming she must have been cleaning the kitchen.

"Alex wanted me to take me out to eat," I answered.

Her face went from being serious to being scared. I tried to figure out why she was scared, but I couldn't come up with any reasoning to it.

"What's the matter mom?"

"It's nothing," she shrugged.

I raised my eyebrow in disbelief. Something was wrong with her. I knew my mom too well. Although she may like to say I don't know her at all. She's wrong. Whenever my mom is nervous or scared her eye twitches. I've always thought it was funny, but I pointed it out once and she blew up at me.

"Mom tell me what's wrong," I demanded.

I watched as she looked everywhere but at me. Her eyes glistening from the tears that were being produced.

"Last time you were in a car without me, you ended up in a coma for six months," she said softly.

Running up to her, I hugged her.

"It'll be okay mom. We're just staying in town. I won't be making any road trips to Miami so you're fine," I said.

She hugged me back and then we pulled apart.

"I know. I wish you guys would've stayed closer to Tampa that day," she sighed sadly.

"I know mom. But Alex should be here any minute. I'm going to go wait for him."

She nodded and I quickly hugged her again. Walking out the door, I glanced back to see her still watching me. Placing a smile on my face, I could see her soften up.

You're The Only One For Me (Sequel to Finding Alex)Where stories live. Discover now