Chapter 8- Except that

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Jenna's P.O.V.

The next day was killing me. Austin was awake and home. Four hours away from me. Back home with his mom, and Alex, who was only going to go down there for awhile and then said he would come back and see me for a couple days. Part of me dreaded him coming back. Don't get me wrong the feelings for him were still somewhat there, and I felt bad about all of this, but I just wanted Austin.

Getting of my bed I made my way into my bathroom and changed into a and my . Then I straightened my , and applied make-up. I had school today. Something I was not looking forward to going back to. I knew everyone at school was going to keep asking how I'd been, and I didn't want that. I also felt bad that I had completely ignored my two best friends from school, Amy Hernandez and Becca Lynch.

It's not that I didn't want to see them, because I definitely did, but I knew they were going to start asking how I've been and the conversation would just be on going. I loved the girls to death, but I wasn't ready for this conversation.

Walking out of my room, I grabbed my and glanced at the picture of me and Dallas that I had in a picture frame placed on my night stand. I hated that she had to go home. Whenever she would visit it never seemed long enough. Which was depressing. Yeah, Amy and Becca were my best friends too, but Dallas and me have been best friends since forever. Practically sisters. A bond that could never be broken.

Which got me to think about my older sister, Jennifer. I missed her. Ever since she moved out with my now two-year-old niece nothing has been the same. We used to be so close. Now, not so much. I see her maybe once every two months which isn't enough and needs to be fixed.

Making my way downstairs, I walked into the kitchen to let my mom know I was leaving. Once I entered the room I noticed her on the phone. She glanced over at me, and as soon as she saw me she told the person on the phone she had to go.

"Who was that?" I asked.

She set the phone down and answered, "Oh just Michele." Austin's mom. My heart dropped a little.

"Oh what were you guys talking about?"

"Just about you and Austin."

My heart dropped even further. She just had to put our names in the same sentence. Why must the world hate me?

"Alright, well I'm going to school," I sighed.

She nodded, and I made my way out the door.

Once I pulled up to my school, I grabbed my backpack putting my arms through each strap and made my way inside. Walking inside, I could instantly feel everyone's gaze direct towards me. I lowered my head a little. This is going to be a long day, I thought.

I kept walking until I reached my locker. Taking my bag off my back, I placed it in and then read my schedule on the locker door. I had Government first. Grabbing a notebook and pen I proceeded to the classroom. All eyes focusing on me as I made my way there.

Entering the classroom, I noticed no one else was in there. So I took seat at the desk in the back next to the window. I didn't want to be noticed at the moment, I just wanted to get through the school day. After ten minutes, kids started coming in.

"Jenna!" I heard someone squeal.

I looked up from my desk to see my friend, Amy make her way towards me, and again everyone elses eyes fell on me as she said my name. She hurriedly made her way to me, taking the seat next to mine.
"Oh my god, you're back! I'm so excited! Why didn't you answer me or Becca's call or text?"

I shrugged then said, "It's just been a really hectic time."

"I bet. So how are you? How's Austin?"

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