Chapter 14- The New Guy. Cameron.

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Jenna's P.O.V.

Waking up the next day, I groaned. I had school and I didn't want to go. My leg had been killing me all night and I had barely gotten any sleep. I knew that if I didn't go, I'd never hear the end of it from my mom.

Reaching my closet I grabbed a pair of and a . Then my back bag. Hoping in the new car my mom purchased me, I began to get frustrated. I didn't think it would be that hard to drive with a cast one, but I was wrong. It was extremely difficult and a pain.

I arrived at school a few minutes earlier than I'd wanted to. Not many people were there. Getting out of my car, I made my way inside. I reached the office and handed them my note explaining what happened so I could have more time to get to class and be able to just carry my bookbag with me. Then after that, I took my note to my P.E. teacher who said I could just sit on the stage during class. Worked for me. We were playing basketball. A sport I wasn't that great at.

Once I reached my locker, I got all the stuff I needed for my classes for the day then shoved it all in my backpack. Heading to Pre-Calc, I noticed Becca and Amy were already here and at their lockers. They were lucky. Their lockers had been located right next to each others, while mine had to be the oddball one.

"Oh mama mia. What the hell happened to your leg Jen?" asked Becca.

"Don't ask," I sighed making my way to them.

"Oo. Does this mean I get to play with your crutches?" asked Amy.

I laughed and leaned against the lockers so I could give her my crutches.

"Yay! Look at me," she said in a goofy voice.

I couldn't help but laugh at her goofiness.

"Excuse me but I need to get to my locker," a voice said.

I turned to see a really standing there.

"Oh I'm so sorry," I said trying to make my way over.

"It's alright. Sorry. Let me help you," he said taking a hold of me and helping me hop a few lockers down.

"Thanks," I smiled.

I wasn't going to lie. He was fine, but I didn't recall ever seeing him around.

"So I take it you're a new student?"

"Yeah," he smiled.

I couldn't help but blush at him and I felt like a retard.

"Well hi new student. I'm Jenna," I said reaching my hand out.

He took a hold of it and shook it.

"Hi Jenna, I'm Cameron," he blushed.

C'mon Jenna think of something intelligent to say.

"So what's your first class?" I asked.

"Oh, who's this Jenna? He's hot," said Amy walking back to us with my crutches.
"Amy this is Cameron. Cameron these are my friends Amy and Becca," I said pointing to both of them.

"Hi," he said waving his hand a little at them.

I watched as Becca blushed and Amy grinned ear to ear.

"Well, my first class is Pre-Calc," he finally answered.

My head kept grinning at the fact that he had the same class as me.

"If you want I can show you to it. I have that class to," I said.

He smiled and said, "I'd like that." Amy and Becca both said bye and headed off to their class while Cameron walked next to me on our way to ours. We talked a little. Mainly about what other classes he had. He seemed really nice. He even asked to hang out after school. My day was looking up.

Austin's P.O.V.

I sat in the studio trying to think of some words. Rocco wanted a new song on his desk in three days. Not very long in my opinion.

🎵 Baby I didn't mean to hurt you

I just wanted to be your superman

The words coming out of me involuntarily. I listened as the echo of them wore off. All I could think about was wanting to be Jenna's superman.

"Hey man how's it going?" asked Rocco opening the studio door.

"Good," I lied

"Austin. I know you better than anyone. Something's up."

I sighed, "Yeah Jenna."

"Oh the girl who told you to leave her alone."

I nodded. That would be the girl.

"Is it going to be a problem? Austin you have three concerts coming up, and a photoshoot. Plus a charity event," he said.

I know to others it may have seemed like he was being rude, but he wasn't.

"No it won't be a problem."

"Okay good. By the way Austin sometimes things like this bring out the best songs. Keep working around those two sentences you sung. It'll come to you," he said before making his way out the door.

Sighing I grabbed the guitar and strung a few notes. Writing down them as I played. An hour later, I set the guitar down and grabbed my phone. Scrolling through Instagram I seen Jenna had posted something. A picture of her and some guy. Caption: Starbucks with Cameron. Was a pleasure meeting him today.

My heart sank and jealousy shot through me. She was already willing to move on after everything. Tears started to fall out of my eyes. 

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