Someone help me please

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Ok so it's story time:

Lately I've been going to a mew school and I like this guy like a lot and he's really cool and he's fun to hang out with but there's no way he would ever go out with me and one of my guy friends saw me and him hanging out and he got upset with me and I think he likes me but he's really shy and... RAWR

So does anyone know how I can deal with this because I don't like that friend that way... Well at least I don't think so... Idk what should I do?

Also my 'friend' that slept with my now ex (she slept with him while we were dating) slept with him again now that they're dating and her periods late for like three months and she only told me now that she slept with him when we were together because I was giving her shit for sleeping with him and now she wants me to buy her a pregnancy test but there's no way in hell Im doing that.

Does that make me a bad

Audrey S

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