Chapter 2-What is going on!?

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The second his body hit the floor, tingles started erupting from my fingers, it spread throughout my body and memories of the first time I met Greyson until now flashed before my eyes.

There must have been a defect with the spell.

Pain shot through my head and I felt weaker and tired all of a sudden. I felt like life was duller and before I knew what was coming to me, I to was falling towards the ground.

Darkness. It surrounded me and engulfed me in its dark void, making me want to scream, so I did. Nothing. I couldn't even feel my body except for the occasional tingle and twinge of pain. I tried to remember simple things, tried to escape the cruel darkness but nothing came to mind. I was a blank. All I know was that I was a werewolf and that my mate was near.

My stomach hurt and my eyes adjusted to the difference of the room. The lights were off and I couldn't see much. Then my eyes adjusted.

I was in a hospital like room, the lights were dim, and the clock read '3:57 am'.

"I need to pee."I got up carefully and walked towards one of the doors in the room. I opened it up, but it turned out to be the hall way. I stored that away for later use in case of emergency. I opened the other door and it turned out to be the bathroom and I sighed of relief.


When I walked out of the bathroom I realized there was a curtain separating me from someone else in the hospital. Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to pull the curtain back.

And you know how they say curiosity killed the cat. Well in this case I almost got killed by a tall man (aka I almost died) I took in his rugged appearance. His hair was dark and messy like a mop on his head and he was well built but not so muscular. And when I looked into his eyes sparks ran through my arms and legs.

"Mate?!" He growled.

He had this look in his eyes as if he was as confused as I was.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"Me neither."

Here's the 2nd update I missed.
I'm sorry for being lazy.
Audrey S

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