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I felt tears run down my cheeks. It's been 1 week since the deal. I feel like declining, but I want to know my past, but I love everyone in Cross Academy and don't want anyone hurt. I'm here sitting under a tree ditching class again, I haven't heard from Jack or Kima lately. It's been like 2 weeks since I last saw them. But Rido said something.


"I accept the deal Rido." I say. Rido nods and tells me to sign a contract which I don't bother readingand leaves but turns around and says "Oh and (Y/n)." I look at him curiously. He said "Don't tell anyone you met me, especially Kaname and Yuki, oh and don't bother asking them about your past, they may have something to do with your past but they won't tell you, because they are hiding something from you and if you do, I'll punish you, I'm watching you." I yell "Wait, hold up." But he left. And then everything turned bright then I blacked out.

~End of flashback~

I groan in frustration. What does he mean. I have been seeing Yuki and Kaname and every time I try to ask them, I always see Rido behind them looking at me with evil in his eyes, once I tell them to turn around, he is already gone, I don't want to do the deal anymore, I want to decline the deal. I seriously do and there has to be a way to talk to Rido. I stood up and went to my dorm. When I got to my dorm, I wore a shirt with a Jodie and a black long sleeve shirt under the shirt and black shorts and black and blue shoes. When I got out of my dorm, I went outside and saw a small seat that is light blue and white. I sat down and lowered my head and sighed as I heard Rido's voice say "Hello (Y/n)." Rido! I raise my head up and see his his face, smirking at me with evil. Oh how I want to punch his face. I said "R-Rido, you know the deal we made of killing Kaname so that I can know about my past." He nodded as I continued "I want to cancel it." We heard a dark angry voice yell "YOU MADE A DEAL OF KILLING ME (Y/N)!" We turned around to see Yuki and Kaname's angry face with e rest of the night class. Oh my god, what the fuck have I gotten myself into.

Yuki pov
I and Kaname with the rest of the night class, walking to go to our next class when I sense Rido's presence near. Kaname seems to have sensed him as well because he looks at me, I look at him and nod. The rest of the night class smell his presence as we start running towards Rido. When we see Rido, we also see him talking to (Y/n). This isn't good. We hear (Y/n) say "R-Rido, you know the deal we made of killing Kaname, so that I can know about my past." Wait what! She made a deal! Is she mad! They didn't seem to notice us as the night class have confusion and anger towards (Y/n), mostly Ruka and Aidou, and Kaname is so angry and so am I. How can she do this to us, just to know about her past, she could have asked us so we can drink her blood and she will remember, simple! Kaname yelled "YOU MADE A DEAL OF KILLING ME (Y/N)!" They both turned. Rido smirked as (Y/n) face turned white as if she saw a ghost.

(Y/n) pov
I said "K-Kaname?" Rido used his vampire to teleport somewhere else. I yell "Hey Rido!" Hey ditched me, ditcher! I looked at Kaname. His face fuming so anger. I gulped as I stood up and tried to run but Kaname used his vampire speed and pinned me down to the nearest tree. He said in the scariest voice "So you made a deal with him to kill me so you will know about your past." I gulped as my cheeks turned scarlet red because I was embarrassed and nervous. I looked at his sexy lips as he was talking. I did what a crazy girl who isn't thinking straight would do. I kissed him hoping he would calm down. His angry face turned to a surprised face. The night class gasped as Yuki gasped and smiled as well. It took a few minutes before he kissed back, still pinning me on the tree. He broke the kiss when he looked at me. My face turned red from embarrassment while Kaname was still staring at me. Then he turned around and said "Let's go to class, we are late." It broke my heart as I frowned. How can he act normal after the kiss, he's acting as if it never happened.

Kaname pov
What happened, she just kissed me, after the while Rido deal, does she think that it would make me calm, I'm still angry, in fact the kiss made me even angrier that she doesn't even want to talk about it. I broke the kiss as I turned around and said "Let's go to class, we are late." I saw her frown, she must be sad but I didn't care. I walked in front of my class with the normal face I usually have. A -I don't care about you or life and I'm bored- face. Just like Senri's normal face. I acted like it never happened as I saw the night class and Yuki's shocked face. I said "I do not have to repeat myself, I said let's go to class, now!" They walked towards me as I started walking. Aidou, Ruka, Rima, Kain, Senri and Takuma still looked puzzled as Aidou and Ruka gave (Y/n) death glares. (Y/n) looked sad and looked at Yuki to only receive Yuki's glares. You've made the whole night class furious with you (Y/n).

The Powerful Kuran (Kaname and reader love story)Where stories live. Discover now