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It was was really silent for my liking, I didn't like it. A family names were Juri and Haruka and a young boy named Kaname were looking at the two baby girls. Juri said "She has the eyes of Rido, her fate is going to be horrid!" Haruka said "We shouldn't get too attached to the girl with blue eyes, Juri, what are you going to call her?" Juri said "I'll call her (Y/n), and the other one will be Yuki." Kaname said "I like that name mother." Haruka asked "Which name?" Kaname replied "(Y/n)'s name." Juri patted Kaname's head as she said "This child may have the eyes of that beast, but I know that she has the heart of an angel." (y/n) opened her eyes as she started giggling and tried touching Juri's face. (Y/n) smiled as when Yuki woke up, she started crying! Haruka carried Yuki as Juri carried (Y/n). Juri said "Such calm girl, her heart full of gold yet full of sadness." Kaname asked "Why is she sad mother?" Juri looked at Kaname with pain in her eyes "She is sad because she knows her fate, she knows when the time will come and she has to sacrifice herself." Everywhere became dark and the last thing Juri said is "We will always love you, even if we show cruelty to you my dear golden (Y/n)...."

~end of dream~

I woke up panting with a bang on my door, I looked at the time at it was fucking 3:23 am. I heard Zero yell "Wake up, headmaster needs to speak to us." I yelled "It's Sunday, who wakes up early on a Sunday, tell him to tell me later." I heard the door slam open as I felt someone slide under my legs and arm as I was lifted up from bed. Zero was carrying me. I groaned in annoyance as I heard him chuckle, my eyes were open as we went inside headmasters room. He said "Good morning chi-oh!" He stopped when he saw me in my pajamas and Zero carried me. He looked confused and then got the wrong idea and yelled "MY CHILDREN WERE HAVING SEX AT THIS AGE AND WON'T TELL ME!!!" Me and Zero blushed as I set a deadly aura around me but Headmaster had a serious deadly aura that made me scared, even Zero was a little scared and said "Headmaster, we didn't and she wouldn't stand up so I carried her." Headmaster calmed down as he sighed in relief while saying "Phew, I thought you had sex, I would have made Kaname and Yuki punish both of you." The word Yuki stung Zero's heart as he looked down while yelling "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT THAT BITCH EVER AGAIN, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR HER NAME OR SPEAK TO HER!!!" He left while slamming the door as I whispered "Zero should seriously get over this damn problem." Headmaster looked confused as I said "Don't worry Headmaster, it's a long story but Zero sh-" headmaster said "There is a new student coming around by the way and (Y/n), don't say that, he can't because he loved her and he hated purebloods in human form. He and Kaname are in love with Yuk-" I slammed the door in anger when he said that Kaname loved Yuki as I saw Headmaster with a confused face....AGAIN!!!

I looked at the window in my bedroom as I noticed that it was snowing. I loved snow! I wore my brown long sleeves jacket with a sleeveless golden shirt and a red and black checkered scarf. I ran outside quickly as if I was running from the devil. I jumped on the snow, when it comes to snow, I act like my real self but much childish. I stood up giggling as the wind blowed against me making my hair fly making me look hot.

Kaname pov

I was walking around the academy since I had nothing else to do. That's when I saw (Y/n) giggling to her self. Her beautiful hair blowing in the air as her beautiful skin shining. I wanted to walk up to her, it can't be.....I thought I killed him, I thought he was dead....I thought...I thought.....I would never see him again, was-

(Y/n) pov
I heard footsteps as I saw a boy with blond hair and green eyes. He looked familiar. He said "My, my, you have grown (Y/n), the last time I saw you, you were so small." No, it can't be's....

The Powerful Kuran (Kaname and reader love story)Where stories live. Discover now