Vampire attack

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I woke up. What was that dream all about? Eh.... That's just a dream, I should just ignore it. I looked at the time. It was 7:00 pm, time for the switch over. I guess I wouldn't go, I mean, Zero locked himself in his room, Yuki is now in the night class, so it's only me. I'll just walk in town. I know that I'm not meant to go in the night because of vampires but I can defend myself. I got my weapons, wore my uniform and headed out.

I was walking to the town. It was quiet...too quiet for my liking. I felt uncomfortable. I started walking around and that's when I got lost. It was 9 pm. I decided to stay at one of these houses. I got inside a house...well, I came in through the window. When I opened the bedroom door, I saw a woman on the floor and a level E girl drinking her blood. The human woman was dead. The level E looked like she was 15 years old. I screamed as she turned her head and saw me. She looked at me and said "Guess I'm gonna have another dinner tonight." I would have defended myself but I was scared, I mean. Come on, even though you killed level E's, if you saw one, you'll be scared, won't you? I closed the door and ran as quickly as I could to another room. I locked the door and sat by a dark corner at the room while holding my anti-vampire gun. The level E kept in banging at the door till she  broke the door, one hand on the door, the other hand on her hand. She jumped and landed on me, my back on the ground while she is in top of me and I didn't have the strength to fight back because I was in shock. My eyes became smaller, my breathing became heavier, my anti-vampire gun flew to the other side of the room. She said with a smirk on her face "Are you scared, don't worry, I'll go gentle on you." But then she sank her blood deeply and hard into my skin as I started screaming. She covered my mouth with one as she drank my blood hungrily. I cried and continued screaming but it wasn't loud enough. I tried kicking her but the more I kick her, the more thirsty she became for my blood. Suddenly, I felt a breeze touch my legs as I managed to look at the side to see that it was Yuki and Kaname. Kaname said "Leave her alone." The level E stood up and bowed down before saying "Lord Kaname, Lady Yuki, I'm sorry." Yuki's eyes turned red as she said "Next time I see you level E's touch her , you'll be sorry. She lost a lot of blood because of you!" The level E apologized again as Yuki used her powers to kill the level E. The level E body burst and blood spattered everywhere, and on my uniform.

I was still on the floor,no didn't have the energy to stand up but I had the energy to speak. I said "Don't think I'm still not angry at you Kaname for killing Jack and you Yuki for saying those rude words." Kaname ignored me and said "Why did you leave the academy? Your not meant to leave the academy at night, it's dangerous, we smelt your blood and made a mad dash here." I noticed Yuki was wearing the night class uniform as I said "I just wanted to walk around and Yuki, I here you Kaname's sister, lady Kuran." Her body stiffened as she yelled "Who told you that!?" I shrugged and said "I figured it out myself." Kaname said "Be glad we saved you before you died." I whispered "Thank you." Yuki carried my body, Kaname carried my weapons as we went back to Cross Academy.

1 hour later

Headmaster was scolding me about never leaving the academy during night time. I was just thinking about Yuki and Kaname. They did all of that for me? Headmaster yelled "If you want to leave the academy, you must take someb-HEY, ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!" I nodded violently. I've never see headmaster angry before, I guess he's just worried about my safety that he's yelling. Headmaster said "Go to the fountain, there's something important someone wants to tell you." I nodded as headmaster told me to leave as i left. I walked to the fountain, where I saw Yuki and Kaname. They must be waiting for someone? I asked "Are you guys waiting for someone?" Kaname turned to me and said "Actually, we are waiting for you." I said an 'oh'. I sat in between them, as I asked "What do you guys want from me?" Kaname said "I hope you've learnt your lesson, anyways did headmaster tell you?" I asked "Tell me what? Headmaster didn't tell me anything but scolded me." Kaname said "Your meant to kill some vampires in Hardvord Street. There are level E vampires killing 13 year old girls and sucking their blood. We need you and Zero to stop them. It's in a old abandoned house." I nodded as I asked "Is that all you want to tell me?" Yuki said "Actually, I want to say that I'm sorry for shouting." I accepted the apology as I asked Kaname nearly in tears "Why did you kill Jack." Kaname said "You won't understand, that's something you will learn in the future, hey, have you had any dreams lately?" I said "Actually, I have, it was me and a boy I called Kana-sama and Yuki, of course, it can't be you guys, there are plenty of Yuki's and Kaname's in the world, anyways, Kaname took me to a beautiful place in the forest, I wore a white dress with two pigtails tied with a white ribbon. It was my birthday gift and I wanted to touch a beautiful white butterfly till mean bossy Yuki came in and said hurtful words that no one cares about me or my birthdays and that Kaname doesn't care either, he only pitied me. Then I ran into the forest as Kaname yelled my name. Why do you ask?" They said "nothing" as Yuki asked "Hey, what are your feelings to this Yuki?" I said "She was mean to me, I hated her, once I find her, I'll kill her, but I can't kill her, she may have said those means words and I'm sure she must have done other mean things in my past but we must still be related and I know that she is somewhere in this world, but I still feel hatred to you. Yuki, when I first met you at the gate, I felt hatred towards you but I don't know why? So....can I go?" They nodded as I made a mad dash to my room. I jumped on my bed as I fell asleep quickly.

Yuki pov

When (Y/n) left, I screamed"She-she hates me!" Kaname said "Calm down Yuki, she won't when she finds out the truth, she's awakening slowly and slowly, and soon, Rido will come." I nodded as I said "The time will come when (Y/n) will awaken and have to fight Rido, her powers are more powerful than mine, not even I can kill Rido himself, we 3 need to work together, 3 against 1, but he may have his servants, we will fight till the day Rido dies, even if it means life or death or losing the ones that we love the most, our most treasured ones, but our top priority is to make sure we and (Y/n) make it alive safely." Kaname nodded as we walked back to the moon dorm.

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