The incident

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I felt myself on a bed being moved. I heard Yuki say " it's gonna be alright, (Y/n), hurry, she'll die any second!" Die?! Kaname yelled "HURRY UP DOCTORS!!!" I felt my breath thing getting heavier and I found it hard to breath. I started coughing as I whispered "K-Kaname?" Kaname stroked my cheeks as he said "It's going to be alright, just stay calm." I asked "K-Kaname, am I really gonna die-" I started coughing out blood as Zero yelled "Faster you stupid doctors, she could die right now!" I couldn't breath, I said "I-I can't breathe." I couldn't open my eyes properly as I became sleepier. Yuki screamed and said "(Y-Y/n), don't sleep, if you close your eyes, it could be the end of your life, please don't leave us!" I know that, I'm ready to give up my life. I whispered as I closed my eyes "I'm sorry Yuki." Then everywhere was the dark, the last thing I heard was Yuki's voice say "NOOOOOO!!!!"

I woke up with a lot of voices around me. I opened my eyes to see a lot of people there. It made me wonder what happened to me. I looked around as Yuki hugged me and yelled "Your alive, I was so worried!" Ohhhhh, now I remember, I crashed near a tree in the car. Hehe, lmao ( if you don't know what lmao means, it means laughing my ass out.) I giggled as Kaname asked " Are you alright." I nodded and said " I'm fine Kaname, thanks for helping me to the hospital you guys." Yuki said " It's no problem, you probably need your rest, come on you guys, let's give (Y/n) some privacy." And they left.

I looked at the window with a worried expression on my face. How can I have lived. No one could have survived that crash, how come I did? I wonder.

Kaname pov

I went back to Cross Academy as I went to headmasters office and said "Headmaster,her vampire side is awaking, and I've noticed that it's coming out of control, what do I do?" Headmaster replied with a serious tone. "You have to wake up Yuki first, before waking (Y/n), that way, her powers will calm down." I nodded. Headmaster may be stupid but he's ideas are actually smart.

The Powerful Kuran (Kaname and reader love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant