I have butterflies in my stomach

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I looked gloomy after Jack's death. I heard a popular girl named Jessica gossip about me while saying "Aww, since Jack is dead, I guess there's no one to protect her now." Her best friend Sally replied "I know right, hey look at what (Y/n) is wearing, she looks so pale as if she just came out from her grave, and look at her hair, like gawd, were does she think she is, the fashion models for trash, ugly and useless people." They started laughing as I put my hand under my hair and raised it up to look at it while walking. They are right, I do look like a pale girl who walked from the dead, but I won't let their words affect me.

I walked to class and the most popular guy in school is Runta. Runta is dating Jessica. He was talking to Jessica saying "Jessy, have you heard of the ugly nerd losing Jack. I'm sure they she used a story to cover up the real story, probably Jack committed sucide to get away from (Y/n)." Jessica giggled and replied "Yah babe." I whispered to myself  "Their words won't affect me, their words won't affect me." That's when Jessica hit my weak spot while saying "That's probably why she has no parents, they probably got bored of her and saw how ugly and pathetic she is, if I were there, I'll give them an award of a mansion for choosing the right choice." I stood up, walked up to them, kicked Jack where the sun does not shine and slapped Jessica. Runta yelled while holding his dick in pain "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM NERD!" I said calmly "You both are my problem bitches." Some people in the class ran out of the classroom because they don't want to be part of it. The popular kids stayed so that they can watch. Jessica yelled "SEE RUNTA, I'M RIGHT, (Y/N) IS A WORTHLESS PEICE OF SHIT!" I punched her as I replied still calmly yet sassy " Don't you dare say anything about my mum, dad and Jack. You lost your own dad, because he left since he was tired of you and your stupid mother Jessica!" Jessica said "Papa was never tired of me and mama, he loved mama very much and he loved me too. Papa only left because mama wanted to divorce him. They kept on having quarrels and mama thought that their relationship wasn't working out and so did papa so they divorced, so shut your dirty fucking asshole mouth and go back to y-" before she could continue, I kicked her on the stomach as she fell down. Runta knelt beside her and yelled at me "YOU INJURED JESSY, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, YOUR A MONSTER!" I widened my eyes as I thought. 'I am a monster.' I looked at Runta and Jessica. Jessica groaned in pain while clutching her stomach as Runta yelled at someone to get the nurse. I ran outside the classroom and ran back home. I guess I'll be ditching school. I sat down and cried unaware of a Kuran watching me.

~end of dream~

I woke up with sweat on my forehead. I guess I had another crazy memory again. Someone knocked on the door as I yelled "Who is it!" The person replied "It's Yuki, Zero went to class." I replied "Come in Yuki." Yuki came inside my room as I was in my bra and underwear. She blushed as I said "We are all girls, we can see each other naked, we aren't boys." She nodded while blushing. When I finished dressing up, we both walked to class together. Yuki said "Well. I have to go to the night dorm, I woke up early to see how your doing (Y/n), now that I know that you are ok,  I go have a nap." I nodded as we waved goodbye and she left. Zero suddenly came out of no where and said "I don't want you talk you to her." I replied "Geez Zero, get over it, she didn't know that she was a pureblood when she was a human, so it's not her fau-" Zero interrupted me and said "Your right, it's that stupid pureblood Kaname." I said "W-wait Zero, I never said it was K-" Zero smiled and said "Thanks (Y/n), your right, it's that damn Kuran's fault, I gotta go, I'm ditching school for the day, see ya." And he ran away.  I whispered "Does Zero ever listen properly!?" I heard a voice say "Nope." I turned around to see Kaname was there. I smiled and said "Hi Kaname, how are you, I haven't seen you since Jack came, where have you been?" He smiled and said "I'm fine." My heart started beating as  I felt something warm spread on my face. Kaname said "Can I ask you a question (Y/n)?" I nodded as he said "Will you be my lover if I bite you?" I blushed more when he said 'lover'. I asked while stuttering "Y-yes Kaname but w-why are you a-asking me t-this?" He replied "No reason." I frowned. He came closer to me. My heart started beating faster and faster. I thought 'What the hell!' He stroked my cheeks as he brought his head forward to my neck. I shivered as he licked my neck. He whispered to my ears "Then may I take some of your blood and we live together for eternity." I said "Yes Kaname, I want to be with you." He opened his fangs and was about to drink my blood but backed away from my neck and said "Don't worry, I won't drink your blood." I looked at him and nodded. He said "You have to go, bye (Y/n)." We waved each other good byes and he left. I kept on looking at him till I could no longer see him down the corridor. I smiled as I said.

"I have butterflies in my stomach."

The Powerful Kuran (Kaname and reader love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن