You killed him!

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It was the next day. In the evening, I decided to look at e camera. There was a video. I listened to it as I heard Jack and ....Kaname's voice.  So Kaname killed Jack! He....killed him, it all makes sense, no wonder Jack gave the camera to me, so I can know who killed him. Kaname killed him! I will kill Kaname if it's the last thing I do!

I wore sleeveless shirt, tied my hair with red ribbons into pigtails, I had a knife with me just in case someone attacked me, I guess I'm gonna use it today. I saw Kaname with his night class group walking to their class. I jumped through the window and landed in front of Kaname. Kaname smiled and said "Good evening (Y/n), how are you?" I said "You killed him." Kaname looked confused as I yelled " YOU KILLED JACK!" Aidou yelled "That is no way to speak to Lord Kaname!" I gave Aidou a death glare as I said "Shutup, your always following Kaname everywhere as if he's your lover, well that's stupid you idiot!" Aidou became angry as Ruka yelled "YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO LORD KANAME LUKE THAT YOU LITTLE IDIOT!" I looked at Ruka with bore in my eyes. I then turned my head to Kaname and said " I heard you and Jack's chat, of when you killed him, and you kept all those secrets from me? Kaname, I will kill you, you will suffer how pain Jack felt before he died, and I will be happy." I brought out my knife and whispered " And no one will stop me." I ran towards Kaname as Aidou tried to freeze my legs but he missed. Senri used his blood whip and tried to hit me but he missed. Everyone kept on missing. What can I say, I'm a skilled master. I jumped in the air as Kaname's eyes turned red and I knew what he wanted to do. He used his rock powers to hit me. It hurt like hell. I fell to the floor as he walked towards me, grabbed my neck and hand and whispered near my ear "You can never kill me, try and kill me again and I will hurt you even more." He stood up and walked away. I hate him! He was nice when I came and then suddenly he's all angry. I stood up and ran to him as he jumped so I tripped and fell. I stood up and said crying and whispering "You don't know the pain I felt, I loved Jack so much, he was the most important person in my life and you ruined it, I hate you Kaname, I hate you with all my heart. Never talk to me again, your the worst!" I then ran away back to my dorm whilst crying. I didn't look back as I kept running and running.

Kaname pov

I jumped up and landed on the floor with (Y/n). She whispered while crying "You don't know the pain I felt, I loved Jack so much." Her saying she loved Jack stung my heart as she continued " He was the most important person in my life and you ruined it, I hate you Kaname, I hate you with all my heart. Never talk to me again, your the worst!" And she ran away. I whispered "My dear (Y/n), you may hate me but I will never hate you, for you don't know the pain I felt for 10 years." And then the night class came behind me and I said  "Let's go to class now." And then we continued walking to class.

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