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Disclaimer: All respective characters belong to Stephenie Meyer, or something to that effect.


In a surprise to everyone, Bella gave birth to twins instead of a single baby. Edward didn't care in that moment though, all he cared about was saving Bella's life. She was dying, and he needed to inject the venom quickly.

The twin girls were taken by Rosalie, their aunt, who brought them downstairs to show everyone. They were identical to the bone. Locks of dark hair on their heads, and bright red eyes, the same as a newborn vampire. Their faces were rather chubby and squished, having been just born, but soon they would have sharp distinct features. As beautiful as any vampire, but more so because they also possesed the imperfection of humanity.

Everyone 'oohed' and 'awwed' at them, as they sat with the babies in the living room for a couple hours. Of course, Jacob rushed in and imprinted on the first born, Renesme. After that happened, Alice couldn't quite see their futures because of the wolves now being such a big part of the families life, but she would never predict what was to come. After the babies finished their bottles of blood, Rosalie took them off to sleep in the little cottage that would soon be Edward's and Bella's.

She tucked them into the same crib since they weren't expecting twins, tomorrow she thought, she would send Emmet to buy another crib, and she sang them a luluby.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are."

The two girls were fast asleep by the time she finished singing, and they snuggled side by side, holding each others hands. She swiftly kissed them on their foreheads, and went back to celebrate with the rest of the family, and check on their mother, only slightly hoping that Bella wouldn't wake up so that she could take the place of their mother.

Of course Bella eventually did wake up, three days later, but before that happened, the same night they were born, something else happened that would change the fate of the two sisters forever.

In the deep forest, a nomad vampire ran by himself, he didn't have a destination in mind, he never did. But as he ran, he heard the quiet flutter of a baby's heart from a couple miles away. Oh how he loved to eat babies. They were so much sweeter than adults. He just couldn't bear to pass up something so rewarding, so he turned and headed for the little baby.

When he came upon the little cottage, he found it was empty except for the small beating heart. He stepped into the nursery, his red eyes gleaming when he discovered that it was two babies instead of one; today was his lucky day.

One baby, the younger one by about thirty seconds, woke up when she heard the door to their room squeak open. She stared right back at the man with red eyes.

He almost pounced on top of them to break their little necks, oh how easy it would be to break them, but something was different about these babies, not to mention the smell of the cottage was filled with another vampires scent. As he slowly walked forward he noticed how they smelled different too, like vampires, but not as strong. The little girl who woke up, not knowing that this man was not her family, extended her arms, wanting out of the crib. He instinctively picked her up, and brought her closer to him for closer inspections. As he stared into her eyes, he felt a sudden and overwhelming need to take care of her. He noticed this baby girl was definitely a vampire, but she was also definitely human as well. But how?

He couldn't linger on the thought. Right then, he heard something coming towards the cottage. As a front door opened, the vampire jumped over the crib and straight through the window. He had forgotten to put the baby down before doing so, and so she clung to him as the glass shattered everywhere.

The girl still being so young, didn't know what was happening, she only began crying because of the sudden jolt of movement as he ran. The vampire wondered that maybe he should just drop her. That would make whoever was chasing him stop. But everytime he looked down and into her eyes, big and watery and lovely, he suddenly felt strongly to care for her and keep her as his own. 

Emmet and Rosalie entered the cottage to check on the twins, noticing right away that something was wrong. They smelled the scent of another vampire. They quickened their paces even more, but when they stepped into the nursery, there was only one baby in the crib. The little girl was crying, and the window above her crib was broken. Rosalie quickly picked her up and hushed her calm. Emmet jumped out the window and followed the unfamiliar vampire's trail.

It was no use though, this vampire was an expert at running, it's all he ever did his whole undead life. Heck, he probably even did it his whole human life too, not that he could remember. But it was his specialty. He had never been caught yet, and he didn't plan on being caught for a very long time to come.

Emmet lost the trail when the vampire jumped into the ocean. The scent disapeared with the waves. After that, Emmet gave up. They figured he must have killed the baby, drown her in the water, sucked her blood dry. What else would a random vampire want with a newborn baby? They decided not to tell Bella or Renesme, not wanting to bring them grief. It almost never left Edward's mind though. Edward would focus on their life, his wife and dauhter that he still had with him, but he never truly forgot the lost twin.

She was the little girl who was taken, but didn't know it. The little girl who had a family that loved her, but didn't remember them. The little girl who had a twin sister, but never knew her name. The little girl who would have made a difference, but never had the chance to. This is the story of that little girl. She's still out there. She just needs to be taken back.

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