chapter 20

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Pic of crying Stacie

I just got signed out of the hospital and mommy is carrying me to her car. She puts me in and buckles me in, she kisses my head and slides into the drivers seat. The ride was silent. When we reached our house mom helped me out when we got inside she said Ella cam wants you to move back in with him. I just rant to her and hugged her and said can u move in with us to. She started crying and shook her head. No baby I'm sorry I can't I wouldn't want to intrude on your family. But mommy..... No I'm sorry babe just go pack cam said he will be here at 5:30 and its almost noon so go pack so we can hang out a little. Ok mommy.

Hey guys sorry it took me a while to update but I might update later today because I am sick. But I might not if I don't feel well.

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