chapter 11

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Ella's P.O.V
when I woke up I was in my crib/bed and I was in my Pajama's they were teal tank top and shorts with white poca-dots. I slipped off my bed and tip- toed down the stairs. When I got to the living room it was dark, except the little light that came from the T.V I went to the sofa and said, is that you Hayes? Yea. He replied. Oh why are you awake? I could not sleep, he said. Oh. I go and sit down next to him. He looks at me then puts some of the blanket he had on me. I then put my head on his sholder, he puts his arm around me and I fall asleep.

Morning Ella's P.O.V
I was starting to wake up to muffled talking. I ignored it and pulled the blanket over my head.

Cameron's P.O.V
when I woke up I went to Ella's room to check up on her. When I got there she was not in her bed. I then went to Hayes room. No Hayes, I then started to panic. I quickly walked to Nash's room. No kids just nash . I started shaking him. What.. He said. WAKE UP I said in a whisper yell. What.......
The kids are not in any of the bed rooms. At that Nash jumped out of bed and grabbed his phone and we headed down stairs. The T.V was on. And Nash said great job looking and I went to make sure it was both of them. When I got full view of them I said. Nash.... What? Come here. Why? He said. Just come. Ok... He said walking over. When he saw he said aweeeee.and started to take pictures Ella started wakeing up but then started to fall back asleep. I smaked his back and said get you brother away from my baby girl..... But cam they look soooooo cute. I don't care she is to young to cuddle with a boy her age. Fineeeee he said and tried to pick up hayed but Ella latched on to Hayes. Nash let go of hayes and placed him back on the sofa. I groned and reaced for ella and she let go. I then whispered to her no boys for a billion more years, then I carried her to her bed and covered her up. Have a good rest baby girl.

Ella's P.O.V

When i woke up I was in my bed. I then climbed down and went down stairs and saw mahogany, daddy, nash, Hayes, and 5 other guys. Mahogany had cloths on her lap and talking with everyone else except Hayes he was on Nash's ipad. I then walk over to daddy and raised my arms so he could lift me on to his lap. He placed me on his lap and said guys this is my daughter Ella. Ella this is Matt, he said pointing to the guy that was stuffing his face with chips. He waved and I giggled. This is Shawn the said pointing to the one that was lightly humming, hi Ella he said. I just waved and placed my head on daddies chest. This is Taylor, he said pointing to the one fixing the towel on his head, hi he said. Hi towel head I replied everyone started laughing, even Taylor he just placed his hand over his heart and said it is a bandanna. I giggled and nodded. Dad then pointed to a blond boy and a brown haired boy and said that is jack and jack. I tilted my head and said hi. They laughed and said hi. then blond jack said call me JJ (jack Johnson will be called JJ throughout the book) and brown haired jack said you can call me jack. I giggled and said ok. Mahogany then said ok since everyone knows everyone. time for me to get Ella and Hayes ready. Ready for what? I asked.for the 4th of July party at the beach we are having she said while grabbed all the outfits and said let's go kids. Boys y'all stay here and I will send the kids out to see what y'all think of what I chose. Ok all the guys said.

Still Ella's P.O.V (outfits are on the top or side and Hayes and ella have the same sandles except Ella's have a little flower)
mahogany took Hayes and I to my room and placed the cloths on my bed and said Hayes you stay here while I change Ella into her outfit ok Hayes said sitting down at my table that has coloring books. The mahogany said ella come to the bathroom to change into you outfit. Ok I replied walking to my bathroom mohogany then told me to undress so i could change. I then undressed and put on a swim suit. Then she put a tu-tu on me then a tank top.she then French braided my hair and put a red bow with white poca-dots in my hair and handed me a pair of sandles.she then said go color while I get Hayes ready. ok I said while putting my sandles on. I then left my bathroom and said Hayes mahogany said to go the the bathroom soo you can change into your outfit. Ok he said.I then started to color.........................then Hayes came out all dressed in swim trunks and a swim shirt and the same sandles as me except mine had flowers. We then went downstairs to show everyone.

cameron's P.O.V
when they came down ella looked soo cute but then mahogany told her to go towards her and she came back in her swim suit I did not like it I mean she should only wear one pieces. But it o well. And Hayes his was ok him and ella had about the same sandles.


The party was huge daddy told me to stay with someone at all times, and he said Hayes did not count. So I think I will stay with Matt because he stays by the food. After me and Matt stuffed out faces we decided to go into the ocean while we watch the fire works. When the fire works were starting to end, I was getting sleepy so I said I want daddy Matt said ok let's go look for him, ok I said while yawning. We were walking when I saw daddy, he was eating a ladies face off and she barley had any Cloths on. When I saw daddy Matt was still looking around for him I then wiggled out of his arms and ran to daddy when I got to him I tapped his knee and said daddy can you rock me to sleep. He stopped eating the girl and looked at me and said GO AWAY ELLA I AM BUSY!!! His breath smelled soo bad. I just held in my tears and and but daddy? Then the girl that daddy was eating looked at me and said HE TOLD YOU TO GO AWAY BRAT!! Then she slapped me daddy just laughed I started crying and ran I ran down the beach. The I heard mom- I mean mahogany and Matt yell Ella!! Ella!! Baby girl come back!! I then stopped and sat down, I hugged my knees and I whispered mommy why did you leave me, why? When mahogany picked me up and said what's wrong Ella? I then told her what happned. She then put me on her hip and started walking back to where the party was at, she then walked over to daddy and the mean girl. Mahogany Then grabbed the girl by her hair and pulled her off of daddy and threw her on the ground and she then slapped daddy and said YOU LAUGHED WHEN THAT SLUT SLAPPED YOUR DAUGHTER!!! And out of all people you were kissing Miranda beer!!! Are you f**king kidding me cam she then re adjusted me and walked to his car she grabbed my car seat put it in her car and drove to daddies house she said grab a bunch of your toys and your iPad and charger and I will get you cloths. Ok? K. I said she started putting my cloths in bags, she then asked me if I got everything I nodded she then picked me up and gave me a bath she then braided my hair and put pajamas on me they were light blue shorts and a matching short sleeve top with a pink and a green whale on it. Then she put socks on my feet and she put a pair of blue slippers on my feet and she grabbed my bags. We were walking down the stairs and out the door she locked up and put my bags in the trunk, buckled me in then she got in the drivers seat she was about to drive off when daddies car pulled up crap mahogany whispered under her breath she then slowley started to drive when daddy came out of his car and said where is my daughter!? Not with you and she is staying away from you till it is safe. Mahogany replied she the drove away and in that process ran over daddies foot she then handed me a sippie cup with milk and said here I got you milk it will be a long ride we are staying at my vacation home so you can stay safe. Good night baby girl. Night night mommy I said before I started to fall asleep.
I hope y'all liked the chapter and I hope y'all had a very great 4th of July.

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