chapter 14

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Cameron's P.O.V

I had my head in my hands, why did Ella not like Madison I mean she is soo nice. I looked up and Madison was looking at me with concern in her eyes. I am gonna go check on her. No I will go check on her, said Madison. Ok I replied

Ella's P.O.V

I was packing my bag when Madison came in and locked the door. What do you want...... I want you to stay away from cam!! She spat but he is my daddy... Well to bad he does not love you no more! she said slapping. me I just ran to my bag grabbed a few toys and ran to my window. She then yelled at me where do you think you are going!! I ignored her and opened my window, I threw my bag out and climed out the window. She ran towards the window and said get back here!! I just picked up my bag put it on my back and ran I ran down the beach (they live in a beach house in California) till I found some shops, I was walking around when I bumped into a pretty lady, I looked up and said I'm sorry, she looked down at me and sad where is your mom and dad? I replied with saying my mommy had to move to heaven and my daddies lady fried is a meanie soo I ran away when his lady friend lady friend hit me... But daddy does not know that she is a meanie to me. Oh..... well my name is Stacie what is yours? She said my name is Ella Marie Dallas. Oh she responded well how about I take you to my house and me and my mom can watch you till your ready to go back home, ok? Ok. I then grabbed her hand and we walked to her car.

Mahogany's P.O.V

I just pulled up to cam's house I knocked on the door and Madison answered it, I pushed by her and saw cam crying with his head in his hands.. I ran passed him down the hall to Ella's room, when I got to her room she was not in there, and her window was open, I called her name but no answer. I ran back to where cam and Madison were at and said where is Ella!! He looked at me and said when Madison got here Ella started crying so Madison reached for her to pick her up but Ella did not want her to so I yelled at her and told her to go to her room because she was in a bad mood soo she ran to her room and then Nash felt tension so he took Hayes and went to his girlfriends apartment. I was about to go check on Ella when Madison said she would so when she came back she said when she got to her room the window was open and Ella was gone. I then burst into tears and fell to the ground. I stopped crying and looked at cam she ran away because of Madison!!!!

Cam's P.O.V

Why! I yelled back. Because on the 4th of July you got drunk and you were kissing Madison and Ella wanted you rock her to sleep and when she went to you to ask you to rock her to sleep you yelled at her and Madison slapped her, and you just laughed!! Mahogany yelled at me I broke down into tears looked at Madison and said leave my house!! We are done!! She looked at me and said good I never liked Ella!! I saw her run away and I didn't stop her!! She then grabbed her purse and walked out the door...

Soooooo how did you like the drama!? And sorry it took me some time to update I was busy with volleyball tryouts and I just recently got dumped soooooo yea but I managed to update hope you like the twist I am making in this book.

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