chapter 31

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Two years later Ella's POV
Ella let's go! Yelled dad I ran down the hall with my suitcase and I see my dad and Tracy with all their luggage, they just got married and they are dropping me off with mom while they go on their honeymoon. And of course you can count on Tracy to not wear the right size of clothing.

At Stacy's house
Ok Ella we're here. I get out of the car get my suitcase and make my way to the door, as soon and I start walking up the path to the door dad and Tracy take off. I reach the door and ring the door bell. Grace answers and she screams and hugs me, oh my god Ella!! Mom walks over to the door and laughs Hi Ella. mom! I scream, I've missed you so much! Tracy is just terrible. I've tried being nice but she is just so heartless! Well we'll talk about it later fist go put your stuff in your room and I'll make you and grace some lunch. Ok mom I reply and go down the familiar hall that leads to my old bedroom. Once I get to my room I see that everything has been changed. My once hot pink Disney princess little kid room is now painted silver and teal and my bed is a pink bedspread with teal and silver pillows, I go to the drawers to put my clothes away and I see that mom has got me some new clothes, so I find an empty drawer and fill it with my clothes and put my couple pairs of shoes that i brought in my closet along with a couple of skirts fancy shirts and dresses. I then sit down on my bed to take off my socks I lay back and look at my ceiling.... I think I'm gonna enjoy my stay here...

Ok first off sorry that this was a filler and I know I said that I was going to update more but I've been soo busy with school and volleyball and now finals are coming up, and I would really like to pass, so well see how that goes. Anyways thanks for reading... Bye❤❤

Cameron Dallas' Daughter//COMPLETED Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum