Authors note

23 4 0


Guys tomorrow is the start of year ends exams and I'm flipping shit.

Anyone good with chemistry? No?

Help me........

Okay straight to the point. I don't know if some of you guys out there have the same syllabus as mine but my country has these certain courses in high school and I'm going into a 3 week full of exams covering all of my 11 subjects.

Yeap that's flipping cray and again...

Help me...

I know I haven't had a fixed updating schedule on this story but I hope you guys can cope. I mean come on, it's been two months and this story has reached 560 reads and 93 votes!?


Thank you guys who's read and voted throughout the whole time, all your votes and comments motivate me to write and I love doing it.

So partially, this note is sort of like a dedication to you guys. I wouldn't have gone all this way to writing this story without your reads and support. I don't write to get millions or reads but I write because I love it, and you guys give positive comments on my work and that's just greatly awesome.

Thank you guys so much. This is practically me babbling but whatev's.

Wish me all the best guys and hopefully after these three weeks of dragged hell, hopefully I'm able to focus more on Mémoire.

Thanks for sticking along, and like always. See you in the next update!

21 days to go...

xx, sar.

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