After slipping it over my head, I walked to the bathroom to look at my outfit. The shirt was sliding off one of my shoulders and covering my shorts. I rummaged through my mate's drawers in his bathroom. He owns a lot of deodorant. Like a lot.

Finally, I found a small hair-tie. Smiling to myself, I gathered the bottom of the shirt in my hands and tied it to the side, so it was no longer too loose. But then there's still the shoulder part. It was falling off of my right shoulder, so that the sleeve went past my forearm. Stupid short arms.

A knock sounded at the door, causing me to peel my eyes away from the mirror and put my outfit issue on hold. I opened the door to see Em standing in the hallway with a smile on her face. "Hey" I greeted her.

She smiled as she tugged at the sleeves of the shirt I was wearing. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I'm making the sleeves even" she informed me. After she finished fixing the shirt, it exposed my shoulders and the sleeves hung loosely on my arms. "I used to wear my dad's shirts like this all the time" she said softly.

I gave her a small smile. "Well, I know you didn't just come here to fix my outfit" I said with a laugh. "Did you wanna talk about something?" I asked while ushering her into the room.

We sat facing each other on the bed. "I don't have anyone to hang out with" she admitted as a frown replaced her smile- which I assume wasn't real in the first place. "Ver and Sammie dumped me for their mates" she said sadly.

"Lucky for you, my mate is a pervert!" I exclaimed before laughing. Em looked at me with a shocked expression. "He apparently likes to grope me while we sleep" I informed her. She shook her head as a small smile made its way on her face. Accomplishment! No more frowns! "So what do you wanna do today?" I asked.

She shrugged, so I racked my brain to think of something. I don't really want to be in the pack house. There's nothing to do here. "Mall!" I practically screamed. She quickly nodded in agreement. "Here's some shoes" I handed her a pair of converse. "Meet me downstairs. I just have to do something real quick" I informed her.

Nodding, she took the shoes and walked out. After finding Thomas' keys in his nightstand; I went to the room that contained all of my stuff and slipped on another pair of converse. Now, I need to get his credit card. He did say what's his is mine. I'll just borrow his credit card without him knowing. It's not stealing! It's borrowing- just like I borrowed his car.

I went downstairs and walked around, looking for my mate. Instead, I found the two new pairs of mates cuddling on the couch. My smile faltered. They really did just dump Em for their mates. I walked past them, and they didn't even spare me a glance. Sighing, I went to the kitchen and found Stewart sitting at the dining table. "Hey. Have you seen Thomas?" I asked.

He replied with one word. "Office" After thanking him, I made my way to Thomas' office. I didn't bother knocking. Why should I knock? Apparently our relationship has no boundaries since he can grope me while we sleep.

Surprisingly, he didn't look up when I walked inside. I walked around him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "What's wrong?" I questioned.

Thomas sighed, making his breath blowing on my arms. "Nothing" he answered. I knew he was lying. But he obviously didn't want to talk about it, so I wasn't gonna push it. If it was really bad, he would've told me.

"Can I have a hug?" I asked innocently. He nodded, so I moved my arms as he stood up. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I hugged his waist. I reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He only has one credit card and a few hundred dollars worth of cash. Why are Alphas always rich? I took the credit cart, but left the cash inside. Then I carefully slipped his wallet back into his pocket.

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