Now Lauren and Camila were also confused. But Taylor just dismissed them with her hand. "It's not important anymore."

"So what happens now?" Jade asked but looked mostly at Camila. "You are my girlfriend and I will help Lauren with the whole baby situation as a friend." She said simply and Dinah's drink came out of her nose, causing everyone to laugh.

"I really like you Camila but you just came out of a relationship you were engaged not too long ago.." Jade protested. "But Camila here, really likes you and you guys deserve eachother." Lauren stepped in. Everyone looked at her surprised.

Jade just looked at Camila waiting for her to say something too now. "Yes. I am ready to be your girlfriend and this time not just for 2 days." She joked lightly.

After some more time at the ice rink. They all went home. Dinah, Taylor and Lauren drove together while Camila brought her girlfriend Jade home.

"I hope you had a fun day." Camila said the car coming to a stop. "I certainly had. I'm so happy we are back together, I just want you to really want this because if you just did this out of pressure then we can go back to being friends." She quickly added not wanting Camila to feel forced. "Are you crazy? I want this myself."

"Okay.. I just.. today I saw you and Lauren on the ice.. she was teaching you obviously and you guys had so much fun. I could see how much you love her. You laughed and it was so obvious that the two of you had something together.. I saw her kiss you aswell. I thought you made up and to be honest I was very happy for you because I know that you love her like for real.. The way you cried in my arms that night told me exactly what that woman meant to you.."

"I wouldn't be mad if you and her would be back together. So I was surprised when you came back and kinda demanded me to be your girlfriend." She laughed a little at the end.

"I understand why you thought that.. But me and Lauren agreed to just be friends, because obviously we can't be stepsisters.." She smiled and shook her head. "Why aren't you back together actually?" Jade questioned curiously. She genuinely wanted to know.

"Why are you like this? Most girlfriends don't like it when their partners talk about their ex." Camila said confused but not angry.

"Because I find it important to not only be your girlfriend but also your best friend. So you can trust me and tell me everything even if it will hurt me. Also because I know that you and Lauren had a difficult past and stuff.. I want you to know that it's okay to talk about Lauren and what happened.. She's gonna be the mother of your child in nine months.." Jade said seriously.

"Okay then.. Well me and Lauren came to the conclusion that we are both too unstable and have so many problems in our head.. That we are not ready to be together. Because it's not healthy to be in a relationship with someone that destroys you because of the demons in their past.. Sometimes love can't fix someone... That was hard for both of us to accept. We did, so it was better if we moved on and try to forget eachother in that way."

"I mean yeah, we could agree to never see eachother in the hopes that our feelings would fade.. But that is impossible. Because I learned that sometimes you don't see someone for a very long time and you think 'my feelings are almost gone' and then you see them after a while and bam! There your feelings came back. Because the point is to see them after a while, look them in the eyes and be able to tell yourself 'no, this is not what I want anymore' and that will never happen if I keep avoiding Lauren. So I have to see her everyday and be normal with her. Then it will go away. I'm just here for her as a friend and co-parent." Camila told her girlfriend everything.

Jade nodded. "I understand. You're a very wise young lady."

"And you're beautiful." Camila complimented.

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