"Don't do that to yourself man," Jason said.

I snickered. "You guys don't get it. My wife is out there, talking to a guy who was fucking there for her when I wasn't!" I was starting to slur my words, but I still downed the scotch in front of me, and asked the bartender to pour me another glass.

"Jeez, bro. Take it easy," Marco said.

"I don't know what else to do. I feel like I'm not getting anywhere with Andi. Every time I feel like we've taken a couple of steps forward, something happens that brings us back to square one."

"All we can say is to keep holding on, man. Don't lose faith," Marco said.

"Kinda hard when that fucker Andrews is lurking around my wife."

"You agreed to this, remember," Mass said.

I shot him a glare.

He raised his hand up in surrender.

"Look, based on what you've told us about Andi, she's been through a lot. She's lost a lot of loved ones," Luke said.

"Yeah, but she made a good point, they didn't choose to leave her. I did," I said, my voice cracking with emotion.

I didn't care that I was in a fucking public place and very one can see what a mess I am. That's the last thing on my mind.

"She said that?" Jason asked.

I nodded.

"Wow, man. She's got a point," Marco said, and Mass slapped him on the back of his head, while my brothers glared at him.

"Fuck!" Marco exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head, before he slugged Massimo on his arm.

"Children, knock it off," Jason admonished.

Marco and Massimo flipped him off in response.

Jason chucked.

"You idiots are not helping me!" I groaned.

"Ethan, I told you this before. You've got to give her space," Luke said. "She's already agreed to live with you, and that's a huge sacrifice on her part."

"I know, but fuck man. It hurts. It hurt as hell when I saw Andrews and Andi talking, and he had his arms wrapped around her, comforting her while she cried. And that fucker kissed Andi, which earned him a punch in the jaw."

"Yeah, that was an asshole move. Butt you have to understand. She feels comfortable with Andrews. The guy was there for her... Ow, fuck!" Marco cursed as Jason and Massimo slugged him on both his arms.

"What the fuck?" He said as he rubbed both his arms.

"Again, not helping, you idiot," Massimo said.

"I don't see you two idiots offering any advice," he said.

"And you call that giving advice?" Jason asked sarcastically.

"Yeah. Remind me not to come to you for advice," Massimo added.

I continued to drink, all the while, their conversations were fading in the background.

His Heart's Love (Book 3 in His Heart's Series)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum