chapter six dream six

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~deans POV~

dean woke up in a field, surrounded by flowers and...bees? it seemed oddly familiar for some reason, but he let the feeling slide.

cas would love this. flowers and bees...cas loves-

dean stopped himself thinking about things that cas loves, or things that love cas, or love in general.
it was a touchy subject for Dean Winchester.

you can't love anything when you're a hunter. love gets you hurt, love gets other people hurt. too risky. if cas-fuck. no. if anyone I loved, like Sammy, or Charlie, or cas, got hurt, then it would kill me. love is bad with this can't have family. you can't have love.

dean rambled on in his head, appreciating the peace and normality he felt at lying in this field surrounded by bees and flowers.

suddenly, he heard a shout, someone calling his name.

~sam, cas, Charlie POV~

'bees? flowers? guys this doesn't seem like a bad dream...'
'this isn't a nightmare sam, nor is it a memory.'
'what do you mean?'
'this is a dream, or more of a setting, I placed in deans head when he had just returned from hell. he was having multiple nightmares and so I created a few scenes in his head where he could sleep peacefully and not suffer. this is actually a garden very similar to our garden in heaven...'
' this is the garden of Eden?'
'no sam, purgatory is where Eden used to be. after Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and were banned from Eden, all the monsters and mythical beings began going there when they died. that's partly why Eve is known as the mother of all monsters. but, despite being incredibly dangerous, Eden is still one of the most beautiful places in the universe.'
'oh. well if we're not in purgatory or Eden or whatever, why are we here? this seems like a good dream.'

before cas could answer, Charlie had already set off running in the opposite direction to where they were facing, her calls beckoning sam and cas to in turn run behind her.

'dean! DEAN! guys, dean is over there! DEAN!'

~Morpheus POV~

he watched from the sky as the four tiny specks moved closer together.

he wasn't interested in the three new specks, although how they found him was quite fascinating.
but no, he wasn't interested in them at all. he liked the other speck. the speck with so much pain, so much grief and anxiety, that he was a thousand times more interesting than the other specks.

Morpheus watched as the specks embraced each other, he watched as his favourite speck held his hug with the tan coloured speck for a little too long.

he decided it was time.
he must go, and give the speck his choice.

~all characters POV~

dean, sam, cas, and Charlie all stood around each other, the later three not wanting to admit they had found dean in case it was a trick.

sam was the first to speak.

'dean, we need to find a way to get home. we have to hurry and go, before it's too late. and we need to talk, but that can wait.'

dean looked between sam, cas and Charlie then, and when he saw the guilty look etched over Charlie's features he knew straight away what had happened. he clapped a hand on her shoulder, and looked her straight in the eyes.

'it's okay Charlie, that you told him. I forgive you.'

Charlie nodded and wiped a tear from her eye, before grabbing dean and engulfing him in the tightest hug he had ever received.

suddenly, the ground began to shake. flower petals fell from their stems and began to rise in the air, floating and twirling, until the air around the four people was completely filled. they could not speak nor could they even breath in, because the petals were swirling so closely to their mouths and noses.

just as suddenly as it had began, it ended. the flower petals dropped to the floor, and stood in front of the hunters and the Angel was a man.

he was dressed in a suit and tie, of all things. his hair was slicked back and he wore thick rimmed spectacles low down on his nose. he held a walking stick in his left hand, and a flower in his right.

'I am Morpheus, God of hopes and dreams. you, Dean Winchester, must make a choice.'

Dean took a step back, and shielded Charlie and cas, his arm reaching out to try and shield sam, but failing as sam stepped forward.

'what decision would that be you dick.'
'I did not ask you to speak, sam Winchester. be quiet.'

Morpheus flicked his wrist slightly, and sam proceeded to try and open his mouth, but he couldn't do it.

'what did you do to my brother you piece of shit.'
'I merely dissolved his tongue. he cannot speak, until I wish him to.'
'well give him his fucking tongue back now and I'll make him shut up.'
'as you wish.'

sam gasped and began grabbing at his tongue as it was put back in his mouth, and then silently stepped back next to dean.

'okay, Morpheus, God of whatever, what do you want.'
'I want you to make a choice, dean Winchester.'
'well spit it out because I haven't got all day.'
'you have as long as you wish dean, time passes differently in the dream realm.'
'okay, cut to the chase. what. do. you. want.'
'the decision I wish for you to make, dean Winchester, is a simple one. come with me. become a god. I like you, I like your dreams. they are vivid, far more vivid than that of any other human being I have ever seen. they are so interesting to watch...they seem so real.'
'oh. well, sorry, but no thanks. I want to wake up.'
'are you completely sure about that? what life waits for you when you wake up? stay here with me, and have everything you ever wished for...bring your friends. keep them here, they can serve you.'
'I don't want them to serve me. look pal just send us home. I want to go home.'
'you forget dean winchester, that is powerful supernatural beings can tell when you're lying. for example your Angel friend over there...he is so well tuned into you that he can decipher every single strong emotion that runs through your soul. I can too...and I know you're lying.'

dean looked across at cas, and blushed slightly under the Angels fierce gaze. shaking himself back to reality, he looked back at Morpheus, stony faced and intimidating.

'I don't care. send me home now, before I kill you.'
'as you wish, dean Winchester.'

Morpheus clicked his fingers, and was gone. suddenly, the whole setting around them began to melt, and the three hunters and the Angel found themselves getting increasingly sleepy.

all at once they succumbed to the sleep, not having realised they were back where they had started, in the bunker.

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