Love At First Fight

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Love At First Fight


Wrists trapped in an unbreakable grasp.

Words flying, lips moving too fast.

Windows shattered, glass on the floor.

Wind blowing, as he left through her door.

Tears streaming down a beautiful face. 

No pain to feel, no anger trace.

Silent whimpers escapes her lips.

Droplets of blood on her fingertips.

Hearts pounding to a different beat.

Collapsing to the floor, taking her seat.

Shrieks filling the empty blue sky.

The truths that he spoke had all been a lie. 

Reality sinks in, dreams drift away.

Reasons to leave, no reasons to stay.

Humming the tune to their favorite song.

Realizing the lyrics had always been wrong.

Blood smeared dagger thrust through her heart.

Always together, destined to be apart.

Apologies filling the void in her chest.

Losing herself, he'd taken her best.

Drifting through motions of a restless sleep.

Hearing his words, which had cut her deep. 

Closing her eyes, saying goodnight.

Realizing this was love at first fight.

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