The Beauty of Earth

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The Beauty of Earth

When I was nothing but a little girl,

I used to tightly squeeze close my eyes,

and pretend the beauty of earth

consisted solely of butterflies.

As time went by my age ascended,

and for the first time I opened my eyes,

I knew that the beauty of earth

hid in the unspoken words of goodbyes.

The light turned to frightening darkness,

my world started gyrating out of control.

I held on to the words of silly love songs,

realizing too late my life was foul.

Trembling in the arms of a stranger.

Shedding tears on a nomads palm.

Opening my heart to beauty,

embracing the feeling of being calm

The beauty of earth is hidden in secrets,

shared moments by two outcasts. 

The beauty of earth is hidden in love.

The beauty of earth dreams to forever last.

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