Death vs. Life

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Death vs. Life

Her lively soul is trapped in her deteriorating body.

She can see their pain, their angst, their worry.

She couldn’t stay and watch their pain;

she had gone to the ocean to wash away the strain.

The bottomless blue ocean stretches far beyond,

she knows the end will be here, not too long.

She closes her eyes and slowly drifts away,

knowing this will be her last living day.

A stranger, so beautiful, so mysterious, so kind,

a stranger so wretched, her joy he shall find.

He kisses her softly against her soft pale neck,

knowing this sweet girl will die with no regret.

He catches her beauty in a sudden, painless bite.

Knowing she’ll awaken and join him in the night.

A creature of darkness had brought this young girl life,

because she is so young and through him she shall survive.


This poem was written with inspiration from my short story, Requiem on Water.

Please take a moment to read it. They go together perfectly and I am sure both the poem and the story will bring new meaning to life and death.

Please find the story on my page or click on the External Link -------->>

Thank You

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