A Young Girl

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A Young Girl

I am a young girl with a young heart

who is struggling to understand the pain

that is eating its way through me.

I wander from the light into the darkness,

and at times, I feel like I won’t survive,

because he broke me.

A father, scared of being a father,

snatched the love and worship from my essence,

because he cannot love and he cannot live at ease.

I am a young girl with young fears,

who still has fresh tears tenderly sloping down my cheeks,

because my father is fearful and he had made me fear him.

I see the worship in the infinite black eyes of my mother

and she loves him, in spite of his fear, even with his sinister air,

because she loves unconditionally and I hate in the same way.

I will never be the woman that my mother is,

nor will I be the darkness whom I call my father,

because I know love through my mother, regardless of the pain and fear.

I will never live to see my father writhe,

because I will alter myself and evolve into radiance,

because I am my mother’s daughter and no longer a fatality of my father.

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