A Rush of You

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A Rush of You

A rush of blood through my misty head

A rush of fear when I’m laid in bed

A rush of pain through my broken heart

A rush of you will tear me apart

A rush of light won’t let me shine

A rush of shivers down my spine

A rush of joy won’t ease my pain

A rush of you will cause me strain

A rush of darkness in the night

A rush of strength won’t win this fight

A rush of comfort for my fears

A rush of you will leave me in tears

A rush of bliss won’t make me smile

A rush of joy will take a while

A rush of time will make me late

A rush of you will make me hate

A rush of knowledge through my mind

A rush of laughter I cannot find

A rush of enemies will cause a fight

A rush of you will kill me tonight

A rush of memories from my past

A rush of magic with spells to cast

A rush of thunder from the sky

A rush of you just made me die

15 November 2009

Poetry of a Different GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora