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In the sweet and charming arms,

of a stranger, with a smile of secrecy,

I can hear my heartbeat alter,

I forget about the indecency,

of  the lack of my good manners,

of the yearning for some pain.

I forget all things that are beautiful;

I remember that I am insane.

But the clock always strikes midnight,

in a time so tenderly unexpected,

in a time when I am in fright.

The monsters come with the darkness,

and I fear more than their cries.

I embrace the discomfited starkness;

my sanity maintained by a lie.

But the truth is always scary

and when I look into the darkness’ eyes

I see reflections of sinister creatures.

I flinch because it’s unexpected

it’s twisted, their ghastly features.

It seems more like a nightmare

but the nightmare is my life.

These monsters are always behind me,

summoning the afterlife.

I’m afraid when midnight approaches,

a time when the monsters are famished.

The fear is almost overbearing,

I don’t know when these monsters will die. 

In the charming arms of a stranger,

I always seem to find peace.

But the monsters reveal true danger;

they are twisted, no humanity.

I feel cold breaths in the darkness,

embracing the insanity.


@_PureImagination's Poetry Contest (Entry for Round 2 - Horror / Thriller)

Poetry of a Different GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora