Slowly, I became aware of my eyes, remembering how to pry them open and blink at the sharp lights in the room. My tongue stuck to my palate, throat feeling extremely dry and sore.

As I coughed, I couldn't help but groan in pain, eyes closing again as the sensation threatened to overwhelm me. For a moment, everything was quiet and then I heard voices introduce themselves as my doctor.


He continued to gently pry my eyes open, flashing a light in them and nodding slightly before he sighed deeply

"Is he awake?" Mrs. Brown asked while the doctor frowned once more. "Thomas, can you hear me?" He started while grabbing hold of my hands, his big and warm hands confidently holding mine.

"Squeeze them, as hard as you can." He urged and I felt annoyed as I tried to flex my fingers enough to squeeze. It was pathetic, I barely managed to press against Dr. Carmichael's skin before he nodded and laid my hands down.

"Do you feel this Thomas? Blink once for yes, twice for no." He asked, laying his hand atop the covers and alternatively patted my thighs. I didn't react, feeling his touch but it was slightly numbed.

I felt incredibly woozy, unable to understand what was happening or why I was in a bed in the first place. My eyes fell on my hands or more accurately, my wrists. A soft white cloth strapped my wrist to the bed.

Panic rushed through me and I tried to yank my hand free but I was too weak to put up a fight anyways. Still, I tried, ignoring the voices telling me to stop, voices calling for a nurse.

"Thomas, please calm down and lay still, you'll only aggravate your injuries." The doctor's voice sounded calmly but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I heard a defeated sigh, and then the clipping sound of a cap before warmth rushed through my veins once more.

A sigh left my lips as my body numbed down again, eyes fluttering as darkness enveloped me.

Sweet, ignorant bliss.


My mind was awake before my body, this time I felt more aware of my surroundings and myself. The heaviness of the sedatives slowly disappeared but I still felt the same overall weakness in my body.

This time when I managed to produce a grunt, I didn't hear anything besides a distant shuffle and a door closing. Trying my best, I slowly opened my eyes again, noticing that this time the room seemed darker than the previous tine I was awake.

Tired footsteps quietly walked towards my door, the same doctor as before opening and closing the door behind him before he smiled as he noticed me blinking back at him.

"Good evening Thomas, I do hope you're awake for real this time." He spoke, a soft frown working its way on my face as I tried to understand what he meant. Awake for real? Wasn't I awake last time?

I flinched as the doctor gently pinched my finger, my reaction making him pause before a warm smile continued to develop. "My name is Philip Carmichael, I'm your surgeon and doctor Thomas. I know things are confusing right now, so I'll explain everything soon."

A tired moan slipped from my lips, gaining Philip's attention before he nodded to himself, "Patient is aware of pain and reacts to voices..." He muttered to himself before flashing that annoying light in my eyes once more.

I closed my eyes with another plaintive moan, making the good doctor nod understandingly. "I know your eyes are very sensitive Thomas but you're reacting very well and are definitely more aware of your surroundings than the previous times."

Previous times?

Obviously I couldn't speak up my mind and let the doctor know what I was thinking, ask him the questions that were burning on the tip of my tongue.

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