Chapter 28: Contemplation

Start from the beginning

"You fell asleep on the bean bag, so I took you upstairs to your bed" he shrugged, sitting up slightly. As he sat up I noticed how wet his hair really was, much like Jordan's it was dripping.  "You look cute in my shirt" he continued, looking at my sleeves which I had to roll up in order for it to fit.

"It's huge" I answered holding up my arm to show him how huge the sleeves really were.

He chuckled "You're just tiny"

I rolled my eyes before smiling "Your hair's all wet" I said, walking over to his bed and putting my hand through his hair.

"And your hair is not, what a surprising turn of events" He muttered sarcastically, grabbing my hand from his hair and clutching it between his hands.

"I'm really sorry" I muttered, smiling slightly.

"I can think of a few ways for you to make it up to me" He murmured in my ear as I blushed. His hands cupped the side of my face, leaning forward and placing his lips on mine.

Before his lips fully were on mine however, Jordan's voice echoed around the room, causing me to pull back out of shock and embarrassment. "My eyes! My eyes! I'm blind, kill me now!" He screamed, covering his palms to cover his eyes as I rolled mine.

"You're such a child" I muttered, my cheeks reddening

"Yeah, but I'm you're favourite child" he grinned

"You're really not" I muttered

"Okay wow that's rude" he muttered, feigning hurt "get out the room, you hurt my feelings" he demanded, pointing towards the door.

"You're so annoying" I groaned, getting off of Levi's bed and walking out of the room.

After that debacle, everything was pretty much running around packing, attempting to make sure we had everything  dragging the boys out of the game room and then catching a cab. We left the house properly at five which was extremely risky because our plane was at six and everybody knew you were supposed to get to the airport at least an hour before your plane leaves. We got to the airport around five thirty which was a miracle but we may or may not have payed the taxi driver extra to step on it. When we got to the airport Eliza was trapped by airport security because whilst everybody else was taking off their earring and other metal accessories, she completely forgot to take off her belt.

We finally got home around one o'clock in the morning which was extremely annoying because, once again, aunt Jen demanded that we all go to school the next day. Jordan and Levi had both stayed over but Eliza and I shared a room whilst Jordan slept in her's and Levi slept in the guest room. We all pretty much fell asleep around two and we were supposed to wake up at seven.

The next day, I was woken up by Eliza's alarm, but for whatever reason it was, I was not tired, or in a bad mood. Eliza was already up and dressed, she sat in front of my dressing table and did her makeup which was a completely surprise.

I was surprisingly wide awake, and had a pretty queasy feeling in my stomach. I had no idea why. I ignored the feeling picking out a black skater dress, with long sleeves, making sure to wear thick tights as it was mid December. I also paired it with my black and white converses before tying up my curly hair.

"Nope" Eliza muttered as soon as she saw me reach into her bad to grab the hairbands she stole from me and never gave back. "Today is your first of school with Levi as your boyfriend, there is no way in hell you're tying up your beautiful curly hair"

I basically didn't even listen to the last thing she said to me, my mind stopped listening after 'first day of school with Levi as your boyfriend' "What?" I said "I have to tell people?". Also, I didn't care what she said about the hair band thing, tying my hair up either way.

She sighed "Of course you do"

"But what if I don't want to?" I asked quietly

"What do you mean you don't want to? You literally have the hottest guy in school as your boyfriend and you don't want to tell anyone? I thought I raised you well" she looked so disappointed.

"You're not helping" I whined "do I actually have to tell people?"

"The real question is, why don't you want people to find out about the two of you?" She asked

"No reason" I denied far too quickly.

She sighed again, putting her eyeliner down. "If you're scared of everybody finding out about you two, them you'll have to go speak to Levi"

"What if he doesn't agree with me?" I asked "the best thing about you, is that I genuinely don't give a shit about hurting your feelings" I joked

She rolled her eyes "Juliette stop stalling and talk to your boyfriend. He's in the room down the hall, you won't get a chance like this again". I nodded, realising that it was the best option, despite not wanting to move my feet at all. "Plus, if you don't tell people  how will you go to prom?"

"Will you shut up about prom?" I asked


"I'm leaving now" I muttered.

I walked to the guest room, knocking on the door before I heard Levi say "Come in"

I walked in, nervously fidgeting with my fingers as I sat besides him. He was already pretty much dressed, just tying his shoe laces, he was coincidentally wearing converses too.

"What's wrong?" He asked immediately, looking into my eyes.

"Are we going to tell people about us?" I asked quietly. I hated feeling so small and scared.

His eyes softened "Do you not want to?"

I shook my head "It's not that I don't want to, it's that I'm scared of doing it. Last time Katherine and her girls basically provoked a panic attack out of me for just talking to you. I hate feeling less than them and I hate feeling so powerless, but I can't help but think about what will happen if we actually get together."

"Hey look," he began, tucking a strand of my curly hair behind my ear "I don't want you to ever feel scared about being with me. I hate that you feel this way. If you don't want to tell anybody, then it's fine but just so you know I am always here for you; I'm not going to let some bullies push around my girl"

I was thrown off when he said my girl and despite my internal feminist wanting to tell him I was my own person, I felt myself wrapping my arms around his neck. He seemed a little surprised at first but placed his arms around me anyway. I felt my heart beat increase, and I knew it would take time for my body to adjust with Levi. It took me two years to be able to hug Eliza and one year to hug Jordan, so hugging Levi within a few months was a lot of progress for me.

"You smell like strawberries" he said to me, tightening his grip around my waist.

I smiled "that's my shampoo", nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck.

"I can feel your heart beat on my chest" he murmured in my ear as a chill ran down my spine

"I'll get used to it" I replied, feeling my head get light

He pulled away from me, cupping my cheek softly with his hand "don't push yourself, you'll get used to me one day, I'll wait"

I nodded "do we tell people?"

He smiled at me "That's not up to me, that's up to you. But just so you know, I will be right next to you, holding your hand when we walk through that door. Just think about it, book girl"

Written: 21/10/15
Posted: 26/02/16

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