Chapter 40 - The Raging War

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"Aqua!" Dillon shouted again once he saw her laying at the sandy surface. He looked over at the King, who was too busy fighting off Lucille to notice what was going on. "Can't you break the glass or something, she's dying!"

Dillon didn't wait for a response as he found a sharp rock on the ground, grabbing it and slamming it against the glass, shattering it. He wasted no time grabbing her and pulling her to the surface, but the lightning was on her again, but it was the King's, and her tail morphed back. But it still didn't make her wake up.

"You really think she could still be alive?" Lucille laughed, but Dillon ignored her and handed her to one of the guards who hadn't been turned into a fish, who carried her off somewhere else.

"How dare you try to kill Aqua! And turn Nicole into a fish!" The King boomed, but no matter how much lightning he used, he couldn't beat her.

"My Magic is too strong for yours now, Triton." Lucille stated, forming a big black cloud over the world itself, darkening the whole area. "Now with all my power, I will be able to rule this world, and then, all worlds!"

"In your dreams!" The King countered, and the two powers clashed, bright yellow lightning versus thick, black, powerful lightning. All eyes were on the two most powerful people in the sea right now, and nobody thought to do anything else. Nicole vanished, Aqua dead or close to it, and the King was only fighting for himself and his world. "You will never harm this world or my people again!" He boomed as the black lightning came closer, crushing his lightning as it inched closer and closer, but even his power couldn't stop her.

He realized his fate.

"In my dreams?" Lucille scoffed. "Ha! My dreams are becoming a reality."

The lightning was about a foot from him now. "Nicole, Aqua… forgive me…" He trailed before the lightning reached him and struck him in the heart, sending him backwards and slamming against the castle wall before falling over, staying still.

Nobody moved. Nobody breathed. They waited for their King to get up off the sand and defeat the sea witch they've been wanting dead for a very long time.

"No!" Dillon screamed as he charged for his mother, but with one flinging spark he was thrown sideways and into a cave wall.

"Dad!" Everyone heard someone call, and Aqua came into view from the balcony, and Lucille's mood darkened as Dillon's brightened. She's not dead yet.


"How are you still alive!?" Lucille shot at me, but I could only keep my eyes on my lifeless father.

"How are you not dead!?" I mocked, swimming over the railing and onto the ground, facing her enormous self high in the water with the black clouds and lightning- well, blackness.

"You really think you can beat me? I turned your sister into a fish, and I killed your father!" She stated, and the remainder of the guards all came to my side, as well as Kaito and Dillon. "You really think your small army can beat me now? I'm the supreme powerful witch of all the sea!" She screamed, rising higher and laughing evilly.

"You're my mother who was banished, and that's all you'll ever be!" Dillon called, floating forward and cupping his mouth with his hands.

"Dillon, sweetie, now is not the time for argument. I still have to kill that thing." She said, pointing at me.

"What, the girl I love?" He asked, taking the place in front of me. "I dare you to try."

I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Dillon-"

"Challenge accepted!" She shrieked, and everyone scattered as the lightning struck the area, but I froze as the huge creatures with razor-sharp teeth started to appear. "Well, finally! I was wondering when my Great Whites would show up."

"Aqua!" Kaito called as he threw me a sword, and I caught it, keeping it in front of me. The sharks were a huge problem. I'm terrified of them.

"Get them! Kill them!" Lucille ordered, and they all charged for us, but with the sword, I would only cut them enough to stay away from me. But the blood just attracted more.

"We can't fight them off!" I called as Dillon took my side, and we stood back to back, fighting whatever came near us.

"There's no end to her reign." He stated, looking back up at Lucille. "She was always the type who wanted power."

"Yeah, when were you going to tell me the evil sea witch who wants to kill me is your mother?" I growled, stabbing a shark in the eye, and it cowered away, swam fast and far.

"Sorry, things were complicated." He answered, groaning once a shark came close, but cut it. "You weren't going to like me if I told you."

"You were sent to kill me, you were supposed to kill me." I stated, jumping away from a shark who was way too close. "Why didn't you?"

"Easy." He replied, taking care of the last shark before all of the chaos was away from us. "I love you." And with that, he took me in his arms, slamming his lips onto mine. I closed my eyes, letting the moment last as long as possible, feeling his hands on my face, and also the sword handle. He pulled away slowly, and my eyes opened, seeing his sea-colored eyes sparkle with either hope of bravery. Either way, it assured me that everything was going to be okay.

But like everything else, the moment ended.

"Dillon!" Lucille called, and the water waved harshly, separating us.

"Dillon!" I screamed as he was thrown into a new patch of sharks, and so was I, but I had to fight them alone. Or so I thought.

"Need a hand?" Kaito asked, holding two swords, one in each hand. "Or a sword?"

"I'll take help." I told him as he stabbed something behind me, and all I heard was it whimpering as it swam away.

"There's your help." He stated, but I looked up at Lucille, and it had to end sooner or later. Her power couldn't continue any longer, because everyone was going to be turned into a fish or dead.

This ends now.

"Cover for me." I told him as I swam off, going into Dillon's patch and handing him my sword.

"What are you doing?" Dillon asked as I kept my eyes on Lucille, who was distracted by the other sharks that were coming and turning other merpeople into fish, and manically laughing.

"I'm ending this now." I stated, swimming away from him and into the blackness, pulling out my dagger from my jacket and throwing it off. I kept the dagger close to me, searching for her in the black cloud and the lightning strikes. It was the heart of the chaos.

"This world is mine!" I heard her voice, and I swam to it, looking at her back. I breathed as I crept closer, but that's when she started looking around. "Where's Aqua?"

I was silent, I had to be. One of us is going to end up dead before this is over. I prayed as I inched closer, raising the dagger above my head.

"Burn in Hell!" I screamed as I swiped the dagger across her neck, and watched her body fall to the ground as the blackness disappeared slowly, as well as the sharks. The blood was tremendous, seeping out from her headless body, and from the blood on the dagger I was holding.

I killed the sea witch.

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