Chapter 1 - 16 Years Later

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16 years later

"We have to bring her back." King Triton stated to his Queen. "We have to track her and find her, we have no choice."

"But we still haven't found Lucille." Queen Melody countered, her voice trembling. "You said it yourself, she could die out here."

"There's no other heir to the throne." He countered back, stating facts. "Nicole married Prince Aaron, and well, Ocea…"

"Ocea…" The Queen cried, tears prickling her eyes, but none fell in the ocean. Ocea was killed, got shot in the head on the faerie world, Tanyela. No one in Antastica knows who killed her, but she had a very dark past, or that's what the rumor was, even though the royals never believed any of it. Ocea had Magic, as well as Nicole, but it wasn't as strong, nothing of what Aqua had when she was born. Their Magic surfaced much later, around the age of ten, where they were able to morph legs and walk. But unlike Aqua's situation, Lucille never found out about their Magic, so they were able to visit other worlds, as well as Earth. But they were so small when Aqua was born, they didn't remember that she even existed. The royals never told them, not once in the sixteen years she's been gone. The merpeople have kept it a secret too, just in case Lucille was thinking about doing anything stupid. "But how can we morph her into a mermaid? It's impossible, and Lucille is the only mermaid left with Magic here in Antastica."

"You're assuming she's still alive." He snapped, but his eyes brightened. "Of course! Why didn't I see it before!" He exclaimed, his hands hanging onto his wife's arms. "Nicole still has Magic. We could have her come with us, find Aqua, and bring her home."

"You're assuming we can track Aqua! And will Nicole do it? I heard she adapted the Tanyela lifestyle." The Queen shuddered at the thought. "I hope King Aaron isn't being too hard on her."

"Well, she comes and visits sometimes." The King pointed out, but shook his head back into the real reason they were having this conversation. "Let's get Nicole, and then we can send her to find Aqua. It's a sister thing, it should work."

"Will it work?" The Queen asked, kept shooting questions at him he couldn't answer.

"We'll find out." He shrugged, but his wife stopped him before he swam away.

"But if she knows about us, she'll try and find any way to get to us and to be a family again." She countered, and he shook his head in doubt.

"Isn't that what we want?" He shot at her, pacing the floor as he floated in the water. "Isn't that what we wanted to be for sixteen years now? A family?"

"But Ocea is dead!" The Queen whimpered, and if crying was possible in the ocean, she would have. "We can never be a family because Ocea is dead!"

"I know!" He snapped, trying to get the subject off of their dead daughter. "But Aqua is the only one left who can take the throne after us. She has to figure out eventually. We're bringing her here, we're bring her home."

"But what about Lucille?" She kept bringing up reasons to not bring her back, but the King kept refusing her logic. "What if Lucille finds out she's here? What if she already found her out on Earth? What if she has Aqua right now and we don't have the slightest clue!?"

"Then she would've rubbed it in our faces already." He countered, but continued. "She couldn't morph herself a pair of legs, and search what could be the entire globe for her."

"But she can track Aqua. We can't! Because of everything she did to us, there is no way we can find Aqua by ourselves." She stated, rubbing her hands over her face and groaning. "And besides." She started, pointing far past the ocean line, and where Sacury would be if they could see it. "She's probably one of the very few, maybe twenty mermaids that are walking on Earth and have Magic."

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