Chapter 11 - The Fish Tail

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I woke up groggily, blinking my eyes open to find myself in the small wooden boat I found on the Sacury shore. It was rocking slightly, with some sort of fog around the boat. I sat up slowly, finding myself in deep fog and floating in the middle of nowhere. The waters were a darker color, definitely not California, or anywhere I've ever seen or studied. But the worst part was what I feared most; I saw no land around.

I looked around even more to see if anyone else was here, and I saw a woman with emerald skin and a black fish tail with darkish-grey hair pulling the boat. But then I realized who it was.

"Ms. Jones!?" I gasped, falling back into the boat. Did I really just see that!? I crawled up to the edge of the boat, and yes- she had green skin and a black tail. She was a freaking fish.

"That's not my name either." She laughed, swimming even faster than before, dragging the boat behind. "You can call me Lucy."

"You're a fish!" I exclaimed, the water becoming choppier at the sentence.

"I'm not a fish!" She snapped, flipping water into the boat, drenching me. "I'm only part fish."

"You had legs and now you have a fish tail! What the hell is up with that!?" I screamed as the world became dizzy, I was hallucinating or something, I had to be. This wasn't happening, this was all a dream, I'm still asleep…

"Yes, it's not a hard concept here. I have a fish tail now." She stated nonchalantly, but that was the exact opposite about how I felt.

"Okay, okay fine then. Care to explain the tail?" I asked as I finally saw some form of land; but it wasn't what I was expecting.

"Look, I'll explain everything later. Right now, you just need to get inside so I can work with you." She told me as we approached the dark cave, and I crouched lower as we entered the darkness.

The lady was a fish… what else could there be?

She stopped the boat next to actual land, which was surprising because I didn't see any other land. I was happy to get out and stretch my legs as she perched herself next to me.

"Okay… now explain yourself." I ordered, although it was weak and she was definitely the one in power. "I want to know what you know."

"Okay Aqua." She smirked, but the name still felt wrong… and yet somehow right. "But first, I want to hear more about you."

"I want to hear about my family." I shot back, because as far as I was concerned, she knew everything about me. "I want to hear what you know about me that I don't know."

"We're getting to that, dear." She told me, dragging me over to the water. "Could you jump in for me?"

"Why…?" I asked, but then I screamed as I was shoved into the water, and then she was next to me, examining my legs like I was a test subject. I breathed loud once I reached the top, but she didn't seem fazed. "What the hell was that for!?"

"Stay still." She ordered, and I listened, although I was very reluctant about what she was going to do.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked as I saw the black lightning form between her hands, and I didn't have to be told to get the hell out of the water. I scrambled out, screaming and lying flat on the cave floor.

"Oh come on, get in the water." She ordered, but I shook my head. "You were much more willing the first time I did this to you."

"I don't care! That was- wait, what?" I asked, raising my voice at her, inching closer. "You've done this to me before?"

"Yes. Now to get the information you and I both need, I need you to get in the water." She ordered, the lightning between her hands. "It doesn't hurt, trust me."

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