CHAPTER 54: Big Mistake

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Harry and I planned for a grand wedding. June 12 is the wedding date and we are planning to get married at the church near Harry's hometown. However, the celebration is exclusively for our family and friends.

To achieve the plan, we divided the labor. Gemma is in-charge with the food and cake committee. Karen is for the decoration and souvenirs where we agreed on a fairytale motive for the reception. My soon-to-be-mom is for the invitations. I decided to have 6 bride's maids including the maid of honor, 6 for the best man and 3 cute flower girls and bearers. One Direction will be in-charge with the singing and music.

Harry and the lads are still on tour so I guess they'll be back 2 months before the wedding and maybe that time, Harry can pick the clothes he's wearing on that very day.

We hired a designer for my wedding gown. White-tube balloon gown with crystals and diamond details is the design.


(Harry's POV)

The tour was already over and we only have 1 month to go before the wedding day. I am so excited for that day to come. At last, I will be having my own family. However, although we are already engaged, Stacey and I don't live and sleep together unless we're married.

The next day at 10pm, here at my condo unit, I heard a knock on my door. I hastily unlocked it hoping Stacey will come and visit me but a 'Kendall Jenner' appeared to my vision.

"Kendall, what are you doing here?" I rudely asked.

"is that how you treat your visitors?" she sassed and entered my room.

"You are drunk so please get out! I don't want anybody to see you here."

"I just got here and you want me to leave?" she gushed.

"if that how it sounds, and it's a 'yes'." I sternly replied.

"Don't act like you don't want my presence here Harry."

"I'm already engaged Kendall." I snapped.

"But not married yet." She said sarcastically and pulled me closer to her to kiss me on the lips.

"What the hell are you doing?" I gushed, and she locked the door.

"Don't act like an innocent man Harry." She pushed me on the bed and started to unclothe herself.

As a man, I was tempted and committed a sin. The next day, I woke up naked with Kendall sleeping beside me.

Gosh!! I made a huge mistake!!


Two weeks later, Stacey and I visited the organizers. I am so nervous until now that Stacey might know about what between me and Kendall. If that's the case, this wedding will be over.

In the middle of the discussion on how the wedding will be, my phone rang. Kendall's number appeared on the screen.

"Excuse me, I'm just gonna answer this." I excused myself and Stacey nodded. I went to the parking lot before I start the conversation.

"What do you want now?" I snapped.

"Aren't you going to ask if how am i?" Kendall sassed.

"I don't know what you want form me but one sin is enough. Don't call me or even text me. I don't want to hear your voice anymore." I sternly said.

"Okay fine. If that's what you want but I'm pregnant Harr. I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

My heart pounded and my hands started to sweat.

"That's not a good joke." I stated nervously.

"I'm not joking." Seriousness in her voice.

"What do you want me to do now?" I asked while running my fingers through my hair.

"Cancel the wedding." She stated.

"What?! No! are you insane?" I yelled.

"Yeah, insane as it looks like but yes."

"You're insane." I shouted through the phone.

"Maybe I will never be insane if I'll tell this to Stacey." She said sarcastically.

"Wait! NO! please, I'm begging you. Don't tell her." If Stacey will know this, she'll leave me for good.

"Okay, I won't tell her. In one condition, you should pick one between me and her. I'm giving you until your wedding day. Choose wisely Harry." Then she hung up. Holycrap! What's happening in my life? I don't know whom I choose. Would it be Stacey or Kendall?

30 minutes later, I went back inside to talk about the wedding again.

"Who was that?" Stacey asked as she held my hand while I took my seat beside her.

"It's just the lads. They're so excited for the wedding." I lied with matching faked smile. Stacey looks so excited, me too but I have this big problem and I don't know how to solve it.

"Okay. But why you look so pale?" she asked, looking directly at me.

"it's nothing. Don't worry. Maybe I just need some rest." I faked a smile again.

"Okay." She smiled back.

For the whole time, I can't focus on what we are talking about. Kendall's pregnancy kept on drifting around my head. What should I do now? What?

STYLES in Disguise *slow editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora