CHAPTER 25: Bad Day

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My hands were shaking and my heart's racing while looking at the two naked bodies in front of me. I was frozen in my position. My hands formed a fist and my eyebrows were furrowed.

"Stacey?" Nick surprisingly asked. He stood up and covered his body with a towel. I closed my eyes and opened it slowly.

"How dare you?" I yelled in front of his face.

"Nick?" the girl who's laying on the bed called Nick's name. I looked at her but she eyed me evilly.

"Who is she?" I muttered. "Who is she?" I yelled.

"Stacey, let me explain."

"Explain?" yeah. Big word." I smirked. "I don't need any explanation because I saw it with my two eyes." I sassed.

"It's not what you think." He pointed out.

"So, are you trying to say that I'm insane and don't know what are you doing?" I ranted. I let out a exasperated sigh.

"That's not what I meant." He explained while holding my hand.

"Don't touch me!" I whined and pulled my hand.

"But.." I cut him off.

"Shut up!" I screamed. "This.." I pointed my finger to the girl. "This is your tutorial session? Yeah. How nice." I gave him an insulted smile.

"Yeah." I ran my fingers through my hair and laughed weakly. " I thought you are all different but I was wrong." A tear fell down on my cheek and wiped it with my hand. "Why am I crying? You don't even deserve a single tear of mine." I contained myself, stared at them for the last time and walked out. I slammed the door and walked down the streets.

"Stacey, wait." Nick called out from behind but I didn't looked back. My tears streamed down my face.

How could he do this to me?


(Harry's POV)

We are all gathered at the pool area but Stacey has not yet returned. It is almost 8pm in the evening. Zayn was trying to call her but she left her phone on the couch. We are all anxious about her.

I dialed Nick's number, maybe he knew where Stacey is.

Nick: Hello.

Harry: Where is Stacey?

Nick: I thought she got home.

Harry: what?

Nick: she left the house an hour ago.

Harry: where is she now?

Nick: I don't know. She's angry with me because she saw with my ex-girlfriend.

Harry: D**n you! If there's something happened to Stacey, I'll kill you and I'm not kidding.

I hung up the phone.

"Zayn...Zayn.." I ran towards him. "We have to search for Stacey now. I called up Nick to ask if he knew where Stacey is but he said she already left him and got angry because she caught him kissing somebody else. So, probably, she went somewhere else."

"That's impossible mate. She doesn't have any friend here except for us remember?" Louis pointed out.

"Right. So what will we do now?" Liam asked anxiously.

"We have to split up searching for her. It'll be an easy way to find her." Niall suggested.

"Okay. Let's go then." Zayn commanded.

"How about us?" Perrie asked.

"Stay here. If Stacey got home before us, call us up." I answered her. She nodded.

We all headed to the door and got in our cars. I turned on the engine and off the road I go.

Driving slowly might help me see Stacey faster. Looking from left to right made me feel nervous for her. What if she's lost? Oooohhhh... That Nick will pay for all of this if there's something wrong happened to Stacey

Stacey likes him but she ruined it. He hurt her. How could he? If I know this would coming, I never let her fall for him.


(Stacey's POV)

After what happened lately, made me decide to time for myself to think. I will not go home with this tears falling from my eyes.

I don't want them to be involved here or even worry about me.

If they'll know what happened, surely, Nick is dead.

The boys may be crazy in some point but they are also brave to fight for their love ones right.

I rode a taxi to go to the park. This park gave me happy memories and I want to drown myself with that. But this pain inside my heart wrecks the wall of happiness.

This is my fault because I liked the wrong guy. Maybe this is my punishment for letting me fall for somebody else while I made a promise to HES.

Nick hurt me but I'm not in the right position to give him my revenge. God will give him the punishment and not me. I don't deserve him either, I was just too blind and not be able to see his true color.

I sat on the bench where Harry and I sat down before. My tears won't stop. I closed my eyes and covered it with my hands.

"Maybe this might help you." I removed my hands and open my eyes slowly. A person in front of me offered a handkerchief. I looked up and smiled.


A/N @1Dizarie

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>>> HES will be appearing soon.

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