CHAPTER 5: A Brand New Start

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"Hey Uncle." I cheerfully said. I sat on the bench beside him while Karen followed me.

        The day was warm and sunny. It is good to hang out sometimes where the smell of nature seems relaxing.

"Uncle, Karen told me that you want to talk to me. What is it about?" I looked at him with a smile on my face.

"Ehem." Karen coughed to get my attention and poked my back. I turned to face her, "what?" I said. She smiled. "I'll go get some foods. I'm starving." She said while rubbing her stomach. I nodded.

        I stared at Karen as she went inside the house and closed the door behind her.

        I looked back to Uncle. "What are we going to talk about Uncle?" he sighed and handed me a brown envelope.

"What am I supposed to do with this Uncle?" and I flipped the envelope trying to figure it out.

"Just open it and see what's inside." He instructed. "okay" I said.

        I opened the envelope, revealing papers; my birth certificate and other important files about me. I pulled it out.

"Are you going to adopt me?" my eyes widened with a grinned on my face.

"Ahm... not exactly." He answered. I frowned.

"So, what am I supposed to do with this?" pointing to the papers laid on the table. And I saw something, "a passport?" I grabbed it and slowly scanned it.

"Yeah. You're, ahm..." he's trying to recollect his thoughts. "going to your relatives." He added.

        I jumped off the bench. "Relatives? Why mom didn't told me about this?" I crossed my arms.

"I don't know. She just ahm.... Nevermind." He said.

"So, where am I going?" then he gave me a piece of paper. It reads: Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. "That's where you going." He pointed to the piece of paper.

        England. Oh ENGLAND. I'm soooo excited!!!!

        You never asked me but England is my dream. I'd love to see the palace, the royal family and especially to experience the nice cold weather.

        What does England looks like?" nevermind. The important thing is, I'm going to England baby!!!

"You'll love there, no doubt. You'll also find that missing part of your life there." I raised him an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked him with curiousity.

"You'll find out until you get there." He said. I nodded. "Tomorrow will be your flight. So, goodluck and have fun." He added.


        The next day, at 8 o'clock in the evening, I am already packing my stuffs. I only have 1 hour left to get ready before going to the airport.

        After I finished packing, I took my bath for 20 minutes. Then, I wore my skinny jeans, white t-shirt and a pair of rubber shoes. I'm comfortable with it, so yeah. And I am not used to wearing make-up though.

        For the last time, I glanced at my room. I'm definitely gonna missed this room.

"Stacey, are you ready?" I heard Karen's dad called from downstairs.

"Yeah. I'm coming." I answered.

        Wooh. THIS IS IT!!!


        Karen, her parents and I, arrived at the airport at exactly 9:30 pm. There's only 30 minutes left until I say goodbye Philippines and hello England.

"Thank you for everything you've done." I hugged them one-by-one.

"It's okay Stacey. Take good care of yourself there, okay?" Mrs. Steven said.

"I will." I answered with a smile on my face. "You too." I added.

        Suddenly, the announcer announced the next flight 'Flight 112 to Bradford, please head to gate 3 for boarding. Thank you.' It was my flight.

"And Stacey," I looked at Mr. Steven. "a car will pick you up at the airport. If he'll ask you if you're Stacey, then tell him 'You're a cow' and he'll answer 'yes or no'. That's some kind of a code." We all burst out in laughter.

"Hhhahah. That's funny. Thank you, I won't forget that." I chuckled.

"This is it. I love you guys. I'll be back soon." Then we group hug.

        I waved to then as I went to the place where the announcer said. A tear fell down my cheek.

        When I reached the plane, I sat down beside the window. The view was great.

        After minutes, the pilot told us to buckle up our seatbelts and gave us instructions before taking off. I prayed for our safety. A minute later, off we go.

        This is the time to say, 'Goodbye Philippines and Hello England'.

STYLES in Disguise *slow editing*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ