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After a month, I committed myself to Harry which means, he's already my boyfriend. It sounds amazing but it's pretty hard to be his girlfriend. Now, that we're officially 'on', press and paparazzi are all over the place. They'll block the path that I'm walking on and gathered around to take some pictures of me without my permission. Some of them ask so many questions which are over the belt.

I know it is their job but are they happy with it? Are they happy when they published someone's life for the people to see? What the hell?!

Also, I created my own twitter account. I was quite overwhelmed when I've got so many followers. But sad to say, if there are supporters , there'll be bashers. They keep on sending me cruel tweets and giving me death threats. I didn't do evil to them but why are they so mad at me? Sometimes I cried over it. Fortunately, Harry's always there for me. However, I decided to deactivate the account.

After spring, I visited his hometown in Holmes Chapel in Chesire, England to meet his family. His mom is really a genuine person so as his sister, Gemma. She's so nice. They made me feel that I'm a part of the family. I am very happy to meet them. I also visited the bakery where he used to work before the x-factor and met, Martha, the blonde lady. She's an open-minded woman and good to be with. I like her. She told me some things about Harry when he's just an ordinary teenager which made Harry blushed.

As we all know, Harry is a good ice skater. Like what h he did in their 'Night Changes' music video. Once, when we were in an ice skating field, he dared me to skate all by myself. But as a beginner, I stumbled down. I really enjoyed skating; the experience was amazing. Harry helped me out every time I fall.

For the celebration of our first anniversary together, we went to Disneyland. It's fun. Some tourists took some picture of us. Some asked for an autograph and stuff. It's tiring but I enjoyed it especially I'm with Harry.

Like every relationship we had our ups and downs. We barely fight but there was a time that I really want to end this all up because it seems I can't handle a long distance relationship. Harry and the band begun their tour again and I, went back to the Philippines with Karen to work on my dual citizenship. It's pretty hard to be away from Harry.

Our almost two years of relationship really taught us to have trust and to be always there for each other no matter what happens. We've been through many obstacles in life together and I can see him a my forever.

We may not see each other more often but still, I won't doubt him because I love him.

He also taught me how to drive. Awesome right?

One month before celebrating our second anniversary, I went back to England to spend some time with my family and friends.


It's our second anniversary today, February 1, yes, Harry's birthday but he didn't greet me yet. Supposedly, he has to be the first one to greet. I texted him but he didn't reply. I felt so sad that he forgot this special day. However, I am still preparing for a surprise dinner for us.

Cring! Cring! My phone rang. It's a call from his sister, Gemma.

"Hello sis. What's up?" I greeted.

"Stacey, come her quick!" Gemma said in a nervous tone.

"Hey, what's happening? Are you alright?" I got frozen.

"Just come here in the park, it's Harry........" then she hung up.

My body began to shake and I was frozen where I was standing. What the hell happened to Harry? Oh my gosh! I wish he's fine..


A/N 1Dizarie

Cliffhanger!!! Cliffhanger!!

Wooh! What's going on?

Any Idea what happened to Harry? then type it down on the comment section..

I know this is a very short update, sorry.

Thnaks for the 2.9k reads and votes. you guys are amazing!!! Really appreciate it.

Thanks everyone.

STYLES in Disguise *slow editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora