Eclipse : Xavier Remington

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"Quietly." Masme whispered and we tried to tiptoe our way past the monster, but a simple paper moving ever so lightly from beneath our feet sent the creatures eyes glaring dead in our pupils.
"Run..." I mumbled and Masme wrapped one of my arms around his shoulder.
"Ehhhhhh!" The monsters were groaning and speeding quickly towards us. Since when could zombies sprint?!
"Masme!" I shrieked as one of the monsters gained up on us.
He turned his head to gain attention towards the monster, but a fallen file cabinet tripped both of us, and we fell.
It was all in a blur.

My ears rang an excruciating noise. Everything felt like it was in slow motion, and the footsteps of the monsters got even closer.
"Masme!" I cried. He hit his head against the floor, and his body was out cold.
"Masme wake up!" I yelled but the only person I was attracting was the 5'9 monster.
It's disgusting body towered over Masme, ready to eat.
Using all my strength I came up with the courage and audacity and crawl towards them and trip the monster.
"Grraaahhh!" I know that voice.
"GRAAHH!" It's him! The enormous monster with gigantic muscles!

He picked up a file cabinet and threw it our way.
My tears were falling on the ground as I waited for death, but suddenly, both mine and Masme's collars were yanked.
"Ugh!" I choked and the sight of Insane in front of me made me pull myself together with relief.
Sakura held a pole in her hands, and Insane carried his bloody bat.
"You owe me." Insane looked back at me with the most serious/calm/unfazed face I've ever seen.
But something.... Something with the gleam in his emerald eyes assured me he was my savior, and never was going to do something to get me killed.

Insane ran towards the mob of monsters, his bat clutched like he knew exactly what he was doing.
Sakura ran behind him, sticking any monster with the pole if they came from Insane's side or behind him.
With the way Insane was swinging his bat, cracking skulls and bashing brains just made everything seem like this wasn't his first time killing something.
It made me want to ask him a million question. My trust for him quickly started to fade.
"Ugh.... W-what happened...?" Masme woke, rubbing his head and eyeing the havoc.
Masme's eyes widened and he too went to help, even if it meant only using his bare hands.
Tears were falling like rain.
I couldn't do anything.... The simple thought that I was the only one watching and not contributing made me want to throw up.
I hate depending on people. I hate being the one left out. I hated being pathetic.

I stood to my feet, and wiped my bloodshot red eyes.
Even though I couldn't do anything, I did something. Something so daring that only desperate people would do.
I guess you can call me desperate.


I limped my way to the storage room and grabbed some of the fuel they had in the corner of a metal rack.
In chemistry they taught us about certain acids that could blow up when certain specific chemicals were involved.
I wasn't so sure with what chemicals to use, so grabbing anything and stuffing it in a capsule with a ripped off piece of my shirt and loads of medicine created the perfect bomb.

"Move!" I yelled and Masme turned around to see me lighting a match and burning the cloth.
"She's gotta bomb!" Sakura shrieked and the two of them ran, however Insane kept batting on.
"Fucking move!" Sakura yelled and Insane but he just glanced back, and continued.
Angry, I walked up by Insane and stood my foot in front of him, throwing the bomb.
"Go!" I yelled and pushed Insane. Something about his face informed me that he didn't like being touched, not one bit.
Looking into his eyes, I watched as the emerald slowly faded away to a crystal ocean blue.
"If anybody needs saving, it you." His voice was cold, and very quiet. The only person who could hear was myself.
I was lost in his words until I realized Insane yanked me into his hard chest, falling backwards as the bomb pushed us from the monsters.
I fell on top of him, his arms clenched around me as if I was the last thing he ever had touched in years.
The side of the hospital began collapsing and Sakura yelled, "we need to get out of here!"
I opened my eyes and noticed Insane has a cut on the eyebrow, almost seems as if he needs stitches.
"Are you oka-" Insane turned his head and basically pushed me off of him.
"I'm fine." He dusted himself off, noticing how deep I was into his face.
I stood to my feet and Sakura came to help me run out of the building.
There was something highly off about Insane, and I was going to get to the bottom of it.
"Are you okay?" Sakura asked.
"You did a really good job back there. Since when did you find out how to create a huge bomb out of something so tiny?"
"The chemicals inside the medicine are highly reactive once they are mixed with certain chemicals."
"Hey you're pretty smart." Masme chimed in.
It was nice that they could always find something good out of something terribly wrong.
The four of us kept running until we were out of the building.
We boarded the bus, and Sakura closed the door behind Masme.
"Let's get the hell out of here." Sakura mumbled and stomped on the gas.
"Where are we gonna go?" I asked, knowing that we still had parents to go home to.
"Well--I was going to make a stop at my house, if that's okay with you guys, I want to be sure that my family's okay."
"Yeah, then we can go to my house. What about you Usagi?" Masme added.
I looked out the window. What would I tell them? I live in an orphanage...? I'm almost 18.
"I'll go last, w-what about you Insane?" I looked back at him.
He was sitting in the back seat with his arms crossed and his head back.
"I don't have family."
"Well then who pays for your school? O-or rent or-"
"That's none of your concern." His voice was aggressive and harsh.
If there was a door separating us I bet he would close it.
"Look!" Masme pointed out the window at the highway we were approaching.
There were people scattered all around, just screaming and yelling off the top of their lungs.
"Ehh..." Nana groaned and we all turned our heads.
"W-what happened....?" She mumbled with squinted eyes as she rubbed her head.
"Nana!" I cheered with tears down my face. I basically threw myself into her.
"I'm so glad you're okay!"
"I'm not..." She coughed and shrugged me off.
I sat in my seat and looked at her with a sad face.
"W-what do you mean?"
"For some reason, it's like I can feel something inside of me... Growing. And it's very angry."
"You're crazy, it's just all in your head-" I fake smiled but Nana shook her head.
"I need to get off this bus." She demanded and began walking to the front.
"Nana!" I cried and stood up, walking with her but she slammed me in a bus seat.
"No Usagi!" She yelled and pushed her way out the doors with out Sakura even opening it.
My fists balled up in anger and sadness.

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