"Oh stop, don't be so naïve Lena" Lena's mother says placing a plate of food in front of her husband.

"Thanks mom" Jay says giving a smug look at his sister.

"You know I only have you two girls" Her mother adds winking, making everyone burst out laughing, besides Jay.

"Really funny mother, hardy har-har" Jay grumbles stabbing his fork into his eggs.

After the laughter died down everyone continued to eat their breakfast in silence till Lena piped up. "So, I was wondering if I could visit Blair today" She says out loud carefully looking between her parents. A simple no came from her father in a clip tone, leaving no room for questioning.

"I don't see it as a problem Jared. Blair is our family, and sooner or later everyone will have to come to terms with who her mate is" Her mother spoke up leaving a little hope for Lena.

"I said no, and I will not change my mind. End of discussion" Jared replied in a more serious tone this time. Lena knew there was point in trying to change her father's mind, so she stood up from the table and went back to her room.


"Please Keith" Lena begged taking a seat next to him in gym class.

"No way Lena, it's not safe over there. I agree with your father on this" He tells her firmly.

"I have to make a phone call, so everyone get their stretches done before I get back" They're gym teacher tells them. Everyone began to do their normal routine stretches, but Lena had other plans. Standing up Lena walks over to her cousin Keegan who was chatting it up with a pretty little red head.

"Stretch with me" Lena orders pulling on Keagan's arm.

"Hey, I was about to make my signature move till you came charging in" Keegan whines.

"I need your help more than you need another she-wolf to sack up for the night" Lena points out.

"Don't judge me missy! I'm a teen age boy with needs you know" He states smugly, earning a disgusted face from Lena.

"More then I needed to know, but anyways just watch Keith and let me know what happens" She tells him.

"Um, why?"

"Just do it, and I'll owe you one"

Keegan didn't have to think about that deal knowing he could use that to his advance down the road. They started to do their stretches, but Keegan notice his cousin was being a little sultry when doing hers.

"He's talking to one of his buddies, but is definitely keeping his eyes on you" He tells her as she stands spreading her legs slightly, and reaching her hands towards the ground. Putting her rounded asset on full display hoping for the right reaction. "Now he's shifting in his spot like his uncomfortable" Keegan adds.

"Now hold my leg up" Lena orders.

"What? No way! Plus, whatever your trying to do to Keith better be worth it" He surrenders not wanting to be part of whatever plan she had, taking a step back from her. "If you're trying to get him worked up for whatever reason, then you should ask him to hold your leg" He suggested.

"Great idea!" Lena cheers leaving her cousin behind, and heading towards Keith like he was her pray. In that moment that's exactly what he was.

"Keith, do you mind helping me stretch my legs" She asks fluttered her eye lashes at him. Keith stood there a moment trying to calm his growing member in his pants before he spoke.

"I don't mind helping you stretch those sexy things you call legs" A boy that was talking with Keith offers trying to sound animalistic.

"Get loss Beck" Keith barked out making his buddy turn on his heels, and heading in the opposite direction of them. "Alright lift your leg" He tells her, and she does as he says.

"Um, can you go higher please" Lena asks. Keith gripped her ankle and slowly brought her foot from his side, to his chest. He tried to look anywhere but her chest which to seem to pop out more from her leaning over to stretch her hamstring. When she was done with her one leg she switched over to her other. This time she needed him to raise her leg higher so she could feel the burn. She made groaning sounds as she stretched out her leg, but it sounding more like sweet little moans to Keith. After she was done she used him to keep her steady as she held her leg stretching her front hamstring. She noticed how Keith was watching her carefully, and knew this was her opening.

"You know I understand why you, and my dad don't want me going over there" She pipes up catching his attention.

"You do?"

"Yeah" She replies pulling her arm across her chest and holding it in place to stretch. This moved squished her boobs up, but she acted like she didn't noticed.

"So, I was thinking we could compromise" She continued.

"Mmhm" He replied not really listening to her, as he was in a daze.

"Maybe I could have someone go with me, this way it could ease your guy's worries" She suggested, but Keith didn't respond. "So, what do you say?" She asks snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"Huh? What?" Keith says shaking his head.

"Keith Grayson did you listen to a word I said, or were you staring at my boobs the whole time" She questions pretending to be annoyed placing her hands on her hips.

"I was not looking at your boobs, and sure whatever you like" He replies trying to compose himself like he wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Thank you so much" Lena beams exciting hugging him. "We will talk to my father after school" She adds before walking off.

"Wait a minute, what did I just agree too" He quickly questions going after a sneaky little Lena who was laughing.


***UPDATE(2/27/17)*** After 1 am again, just got through another chapter, hopefully caught some mistakes. But let me know if you find anything.



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