"Then why did you say you wished Renee admitted her feelings, sooner?"

"Because then I could have gone back and tried to make it work with her and given Harper the traditional family she deserves, but now that I've met Liddy and fallen in love with her, I can never do that."

I notice the relief on their faces as they finally understand. "Oh Hunt, Harper is a very happy little girl. As long as you and Renee continue to talk with each other and don't put her in the middle she will be fine."

"I so desperately want to believe that, mom. I know she loves Liddy and Liddy adores her. I just pray that it stays that way and that she doesn't turn and look at me one day and start blaming me for picking Liddy over her real mother."

"She won't. Don't fret, Harps loves Liddy so much and Lid, the beautiful caring soul that she is will nurture that love and their bond will only grow stronger."

I smile for the first time in over 2 hours. "Thanks mom. I REALLY needed to hear that."

When I look at my dad, I can tell he's still troubled. His body is rigid and there's tension evident in his lower jaw. "What's wrong dad?"

"I'm worried about your lingering feelings for Renee."

"Oh stop, Leo." Mom swats him on the arm. "Hunter has never been one to stay angry with people, especially anyone he's cared about. Look at he and Ainsley, for example. Remember how hurt he was after they broke up? But now they'r good friends. You have nothing to worry about."

"I hope you're right, honey. I just don't trust Renee to not play on the feelings he still has for her."

"Mom's right. Everything will be fine. I'm in love with Liddy now and she's going to have to accept that."

He shakes his head. "Okay, just be careful, Hunt. The Renee I remember never took no for an answer when she really wanted something and my gut says she really wants you back."


Liddy's POV

"Ever since Hunter dropped Harper off at Renee's last weekend, he's just been acting strangely, Liz."

"What do you mean exactly?"

"He's distant and distracted. I know he has something on his mind because there are times when I try to talk with him and I have to nudge him, just to get his attention."

"Have you asked him, about it?"

"Several times, but he just passes it off and says it's nothing."

"How long has he been acting this way?

"Since last Saturday, so a week."

"Well, that's too long. Obviously, whatever it is, doesn't seem to be going away, I think you need to sit him down some night after Harper is in bed and insist he tell you what's bothering him."

"I agree. I plan to try and talk with him this evening, since Harper will be staying with Renee.

Liz looks at me curiously. "Why is Harper staying with her mom again, so soon? I thought she only saw her every other weekend?"

"According to Hunter,  Renee isn't working at the moment so she told him that she wants to start spending more time with Harper."

"How's Harp feel about staying with her mom more often?"

"I'm not sure yet. Tonight is the first time she will be sleeping over again so soon. Mostly all Renee's been doing is picking her up and taking her to lunch a few times. Harper seems fine with that."

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